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No Moral Defeats

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Great quote, hope you don't mind if I steal it sometime.


And I agree, one thing I promised myself once the Super Bowl years were all over was that I wouldn't dismiss a win. So far, so good. It wasn't pretty, but ask a Vikings fan how this Monday morning feels.


Amen, brother.

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And yet today, after an actual victory, we can hear voices, indeed from many so-called realists, that this win is not a good win, not a real win, because it should not have been this hard. Essentially, those who claim there are no moral victories are claiming the existence of moral defeats.

Do you have a couple of examples of individual posters saying both things?

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Do you have a couple of examples of individual posters saying both things?


Is this some sort of challenge, or do you want me to do your homework for you?


If you read the "Embarrassing Win" thread, you will find the use of the word "realist" in several of the gloomier comments. One particular Italian-comestible-named poster comes to mind, on that thread and this one. Both during the game and afterward, this member of TBD since 2002 saw several of the usual gloomy "realists" taking such a tack.

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Is this some sort of challenge, or do you want me to do your homework for you?


If you read the "Embarrassing Win" thread, you will find the use of the word "realist" in several of the gloomier comments. One particular Italian-comestible-named poster comes to mind, on that thread and this one. Both during the game and afterward, this member of TBD since 2002 saw several of the usual gloomy "realists" taking such a tack.

Homework? You made a clear accusation that the same people were saying "there's not such thing as a moral victory" AND this is a moral defeat. I'm just curious if you can back it up. I'm guessing not as references to quotes of "realist" don't really answer the question.

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Homework? You made a clear accusation that the same people were saying "there's not such thing as a moral victory" AND this is a moral defeat. I'm just curious if you can back it up. I'm guessing not as references to quotes of "realist" don't really answer the question.


I suppose it depends on the question, and whether one is interested in finding an answer or has some other agenda. But let me be a bit more clear. No, I am not going to comb through a decade plus of TSW to provide specific examples, nor am I going to start any further flame wars by mentioning posters by name. I will say, however, that several names that have shown up in recent threads denouncing this win are familiar to me (and to a lot of other posters on this board as well, I wager, based on the comments on this thread) as folks who have 1) called themselves "realists and 2) scoffed at the notion of moral victories. If you think that the absence of footnotes makes my point invalid in the context of a discussion on a fan message board, that is certainly your prerogative. If you want to say that I'm off base in claiming that there are any people who have taken the two positions mentioned above, I'll have to disagree with you. If you are trying to make some other point, I'm very interested to hear it.

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