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[closed]Littman out

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Supposedly the reason that Polian left was because he couldn't get along with this guy, who is the quintessential bean counter.


Now maybe we'll actually use up some of our cap space.

We already knew about this on Friday after Pegula said so in response to a question at his presser.


Littman was essential the CFO of Ralph Wilson's business while Ralph was living and then became the CFO of his trust when he died. Yes, he was the CFO of the Bills; however, he worked for Ralph, not the Bills. Ralph was a very smart man and he had set this plan in motion at least 20 years ago. I never faulted Littman for holding back the $$. He was doing his job, and obviously he did his job VERY well based on the wire transfer this week.

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thank you for sharing that link, im glad someone around here has an idea of the real issues with this team


you are next overdorf watch your back you putz


and then off comes russ brandon's head and its party time for REAL


Littman is out per his decision, according to Pegula.


The way El Pegul deferred to Brandon during the presser, I'll be surprised if he doesn't' stay. Good decision, too, IMO.

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