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End of the Ralph Wilson Era

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Let me seperate Ralph Wilson the philantrophist with Ralph Wilson the owner.

Ralph Wilson has been very generious over the years towards Western NY and the Detroit area. Recently it was announced his estate will continue to donate to both regions well beyond his passing. He should be given credit for his generiosity.

But as an owner he has been a complete failure. His career regular season record as owner is: 378-438-8. That's 60 games below .500. Take away the Bill Polian years and the record is even more abysmal and oh yeah he fired him and sided with Jeffrey Littmann his money man.

Was he loyal to the region? Yes

Was he generious? Yes

Did he have a clue how to build a winning NFL franchise? No

At the end of the day he appeared more content making money instead of winning games. He never hired elite management or coaching. They all seemed to be second rate.


Ralph Wilson: Loyal, Generious, Successful Businessman, Clueless how to win.


I welcome the new ownership.....

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When one measures the import of the things in a person's life (and those who choose to be in the public eye like owner of an NFL franchise or who legally gain the benefits of taxpayer subsidy as the Bills did, then you also have submitted yourself to both unreasonable public judgment). Ralph Wilson's life is open to public comment.


In the end, his life follows the track of most humans in that he was good at some things and not so good in others.


It seems to me that in the big picture Mr. Ralph was good at a lot of the important things in life (loyalty and commitment, building strong familial relationships, showing a lot of generosity. However, he was not so good at a lot of other stuff (failed public relationships in a pretty larger number for which he was likely responsible for 50% or so of the problem (Polian, Butler, Wade Philips, Mularkey, Donahoe, etc) and also being a pretty poor football mind with the exception of a great run by his team of the late 80s and early 90s.


Ironically I think the sum total simply points out how little the game results really mean in the big picture.


Mr. Ralph did Buffalo and WNY a great favor in keeping the team here when he probably easily could have sold out to a bidder who would have moved the team in the 70s, but he showed loyalty to the area reeling from an economic downturn when other captains of industry were taking their winnings and leaving little behind except hazardous waste.


Yes, the team milked a bunch of corporate welfare from the system, but in the gross accounting I think he gave much more to the area in exchange for corporate welfare than he took. Further, the deal he left in his will which reinforced the need to sale to a local owner gave a lot to this area he was not required o give.


He was a human, but a good human in total as best as this inobjective viewer can judge.

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Ralph Wilson brought the Buffalo Bills to WNY and I have enjoyed them since I was six years old that first season in 1960. I have watched them week in and week out, win or lose and have enjoyed the experience of being a Bills fan. They have brought a lot of joy to myself and my family and for that I will always be grateful. God Bless Ralph Wilson Jr. and may he rest in peace.

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