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Does anyone still support EJ or Hackett?

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Did Hackett Draft EJ...Did Hackett name him starter? His job was to polish a turd. Let's see what happens next. The plays don't matter ifin you caint execute dem.


He did have the young QB project drop back 70+ times in the past two weeks against teams with questionable run defenses and the team not needing to go into "abandon the run" mode.

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Yes, we do have our receivers running around wide open and at times "college open" and much of that credit goes to the OC. There have also been many instances of play calling, formations and personnel packages that are completely insane for the situation the offense was in. If I could see that much from my chair, that is a problem. That is why crafty offensive football minds are employed for a LONG time in this league…you have to be THAT good to continuously beat NFL DC's. Theres a level of skill and competence necessary to compete and I do not believe our OC was ready for that level.

I agree completely with this. There have been the occasional brilliant plays that worked out well, such as most of Sammy's catches against Miami. And even some that EJ just missed, see the Texans game. However, there are many times where the play calls are just ridiculous for our current situation. This is why I think Hackett needs to go. He came with Marrone. That is the only reason he is in this league. No Marrone, no Hackett plain and simple. He'd still be coaching a slightly above average college offense at Syracuse. He doesn't consistently call good plays, which I can see from my chair as well. I'd love to have Chan back as our OC. He was so creative with our players, and we weren't even as talented as we are now. Imagine what he could do with CJ, Sammy, Woody, Gragg, Mike Williams, Boobie D, Fred, or even EJ.

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This is a pretty intuitive way of looking at it. However, I'd like add some more to this. Last year, Hackett was pushing hard to go faster with a hurry up offense. The practices are fast paced. The problem with this is a QB needs time to absorb what they are learning. I think a better approach is to run your offense slow but emphasize quick reads. Once a QB is able to make decisions quickly, you can then turn up the speed dial. We are dealing with not only a young inexperienced QB but also a young inexperienced coach. You can't be expected to come out making quick reads and managing a hurry up without the experience. I think the coaches have put a lot of pressure on the young man. Add in also some offensive linemen that have had to learn on the fly while going up against some great defenses and the pressure on the QB goes up even further.


EJ will be fine. It sucks for him that has to benched, but he may learn about taking control of the huddle, making his reads quicker and getting the ball where it needs to be by watching a 10 year veteran at work. He does have the talent. All he needs is time to grow into his job.... something he has not been given. Unfortunately for him, he ran out of time. The team is bigger than EJ and the coach knows this team as a whole is ready to win now. There just isn't enough time to get EJ ready and win games now. Winning is the bottom line in this league.


Yeah, I would agree, it has been a learning curve for both . . . and one big thing an OC has to do is make it work for what he has. Hopeing for both they can figure it out.

Edited by CSBill
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I do think EJ can be a good QB in this league.


And I think his comments this week were very revealing and informative. As I have watched him, one of the most frustrating things about him is his hesitancy as a player. He never seems sure of himself, never seems to have the confidence to make quick decisions that involved some risk, but can also bring great reward. And it seems to be most obvious when he runs … he never looks like he is willing to take a challenge as a runner, and on many occasions has left 1st downs on the field in the name of playing it safe.




Well first, he is by nature a conservative person and as we say, "a people pleaser." He will do what his coaches tell him to do. And all year he has been preached to about not losing games. Don't take chances, don't do stupid things, don't get hurt. So someone with his natural personality whom hears this message day in and day out, the outcome is what we have seen: An occasional big play, and a whole bunch of cautious plays with scant reward. Or, a lot of frustration for those of us watching.


Why 2?


I blame this on Hackett. And EJ's comments this week confirm that in my my mind. His new attitude, "I'm going to go out there and let it rip," "do what I can do." Why wasn't he doing that already? He was never given permission to do that. No doubt, we don't want him to be reckless and/or to take silly gambles. But you do want a little Brent Favre in your QB. All good ones have that edge to them (i.e. Jim Kelly). It is not natural with EJ, and when he has an Offensive Coordinator sitting on his shoulder (or in his ear piece) constantly telling him what not to do, and, calling plays that reinforce that conservative and cautious mentality and conservatism, well, you get the results we have seen.


In the end, I blame this more on Hackett than EJ.

Good take. It will be interesting to see if a Vet QB like Orton gets more reign to do what he wants or If Hackett tries the same conservative offense and Orton says screw you I'm gonna take shots.

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I'm fairly good with Hackett. Some of his plays are really creative when the offensive line gets their act together. Key to my belief is that receivers are getting open and are regularly fooling defenses. We just need someone who can get the ball to them consistently. Hopefully, Orton is that man. On the negative side, some of his play calls and situational personnel choices are downright bone-headed. There just aren't enough of them to prevent the Bills from winning every week as long as the quarterback isn't throwing balls into the stands or God knows where else.

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