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Offensive Concerns


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Sorry vegas. I see that my posts came across as contrarian, wasn't my intent. Was only saying that the points came in the context of what their offensive philosophy is.


As for losing "so many" games when winning the turnover battle, I'd have to see proof that was actually true before I can comment.

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I'm still jacked they finally figured put how to finish a game.

:thumbsup: hell yes we are !


Sorry vegas. I see that my posts came across as contrarian, wasn't my intent. Was only saying that the points came in the context of what their offensive philosophy is.


As for losing "so many" games when winning the turnover battle, I'd have to see proof that was actually true before I can comment.

Fairly stated.

They did execute what they called

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From looking at the Chicago game it seems clear the coaches weren't going to rely on EJ to win it as the run/pass ratio suggests. But I don't think their passing game was conservative as EJ was attempting mostly intermediate to long passes all afternoon, even in the seemingly conservative 3rd quarter when we only ran something like a dozen plays.


I'm hoping the coaches were just trying to protect a young QB on the road in the first game of the season. I fully expect EJ to take shots on go routes every time he has Goodwin or Watkins singled up.


That said, if we're pounding the rock and getting yards I'll take it.



Edited by K-9
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From looking at the Chicago game it seems clear the coaches weren't going to rely on EJ to win it as the run/pass ratio suggests. But I don't think their passing game was conservative as EJ was attempting mostly intermediate to long passes all afternoon, even in the seemingly conservative 3rd quarter when we only ran something like a dozen plays.


I'm hoping the coaches were just trying to protect a young QB on the road in the first game of the season. I fully expect EJ to take shots on go routes every time he has Goodwin or Watkins singled up.


That said, if we're pounding the rock and getting yards I'll take it.



I might guess the Bills guys are very aware of Finnegan and Grimes
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