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One Big Mistake

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Then....you are an "intution" type scout?


Come now, you mentioned "attitude". How am I supposed to determine "attitude" from one meeting that lasts .5 hours? This isn't poker. The stakes are a lot higher.


How do we know we aren't being lied to? Worse, how do we know the other people telling us about this player's attitude aren't biasing things with their own perceptions? Worst of all, how do we know that the same day we talk to this coach or that, he isn't having an attitude problem himself? Double worst of all, how do we know favorites aren't being played/haven't been, for years?


I do have a "quantifiable" suggestion, a methodology even! Set up a confidential, controlled study of randomly sampled "functional persons" in and around various college football programs, and ask them questions about how each prospect player treats them/others on a daily basis. Also, ask them if they ever ask for help, with anything. Why? Asking for help is a sure sign of knowing one's limitations, but also, knowing where to go/whom to ask to overcome them, and most importantly giving enough of a crap to try to get better, and not just settle for what is. I can think of no more necessary trait to find in rookie NFL football player(or a rookie anything for that matter).


Collect the same data once a semester, every semester.


I guarantee you my quantifiable "attitude" results will beat your "intuition" 99/100 times.


L - O - frickin' - L :lol:


Your web of stalkers would get you banned from campus 100/100 times.


For the record, I don't rely on intuition... That's YOUR word for it, and it's wrong... if anything, it's more like bird-watching.. it's not about intuition... It's about identification.. -Gotta know what you're looking FOR and AT. There is one CRITICAL characteristic of a good QB, and trust me. it's NOT what you're thinking. -Anyways, keep up the great formulaic work! Gotta love a true scientist. LOL.

Edited by #34fan
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