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Rd7 Pick #237 OT Seantrel Henderson U of Miami

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What I find amusing are people on this board who will say, "Take a 7th round flier on the kid and see if he can get it together with some motivation and professional help, and maybe getting out of Florida will do him some good. Worth a chance" and then the other half who say things like, "The BILLS are pathetic! They give this assh*le a chance, I don't care that it's the last pick of their Draft in the 7th Round! Losers!"....sometimes, often - ok, no, DAILY - this board is bi-polar and manic....so often I see people crucifying DW for making a trade and Drafting guys who fit both a need an are rated highly on their board (according to them of course) and then complain that the BILLS "do nothing to win"???? Or blame Whaley for something last year while not giving him credit for this year?? Honestly, I know we're all passionate about the BILLS and we all have our opinions on how to get this team winning, but it can't be unjustified prejuidice to simply believe something without reason if we're to have an honest discussion related to the BILLS and their improvement....to be fair, I like this move...it's exactly the kind of thing a "forward thinking, progressive" team does, they get the talent and then work with the man as a person to help him overcome some of the challenges he's faced...I'm not excusing his behavior, but there are always reasons and causes for things like repeated drug use...counseling and a strong leader might very well help this young man and a change of scenery might do him some good too....either way, I'd rather Draft this kid in the 7th Round over a kicker...

If this kid becomes even a good swing tackle, and his upside is higher than that, he is a RIDICULOUS sum of found money.


If he doesn't, so what? He goes to the trash heap with the other 85% of 7th round picks. Big deal.


And while his repeated drug test failures are disconcerting, they suggest a lack of discipline more than they do some real personal issue. I would wager that at least a quarter of the NFL uses marijuana or some kind of synthetic, and half the country thinks it should be legal anyway. The NFL has even discussed its medicinal use. If Henderson had a coke or prescription painkiller issue that was chronic, or an alcohol problem as many of our heroic Bills have had, I'd be more concerned.


If the Bills can teach him that there are greater rewards to be found without it, that's terrific.

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