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17-year-old student tops sitting W.Va. lawmaker


CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A week before her high school graduation, Saira Blair was barely old enough to vote when she unseated a West Virginia lawmaker almost four times her age.

After Tuesday's GOP primary, the 17-year-old is one election away from becoming the youngest state lawmaker in West Virginia history. Larry Swan, sworn in as a 20-year-old delegate in 1972, set the current record.

Blair's birthday is in July, so she would just meet the 18-year-old minimum age for West Virginia House of Delegates members. Seventeen-year-olds who will turn 18 by the November election can vote in West Virginia's primary.

Soft-spoken and on-message, Blair is a churchgoer who says she is pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun rights and pro-business. She can rattle off a laundry list of businesses taxes she wants abolished or lowered


Linky: http://news.yahoo.com/17-old-student-tops-sitting-w-va-lawmaker-215416397.html



We need more fresh faces.



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I'm not here to pick a fight with you??? Huh? I'm here to watch my bobo in action. Why would I want to alienate my one true source of amusement? When you (eventually) figure out why I find you amusing we can begin the healing process :)



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I'm not here to pick a fight with you??? Huh? I'm here to watch my bobo in action. Why would I want to alienate my one true source of amusement? When you (eventually) figure out why I find you amusing we can begin the healing process :)




I know why you find me amusing. I'm one charming mutha!@#$a -- most people find me amusing, if you don't believe me ask my mom. That still doesn't mean I'll sleep with you though. I have standards.


Now, run away, go pick up your kids again and ask them how to entertainingly post on a message board. Maybe they can give you some tips because you're just terrible at all of this.

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Bobo, you mad bro.. Come on, it ain't that bad, man. Do you and your partner plan on having children one day? Who going to be the one to donate, and who's going to get stiffed in the separation? LOL



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Bobo, you mad bro.. Come on, it ain't that bad, man. Do you and your partner plan on having children one day? Who going to be the one to donate, and who's going to get stiffed in the separation? LOL



My partner and I are going to have kids one day. Thank you for your concern.

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Are you asking me for my thoughts bobo? I thought I was boring you? You do have a lot going on inside that head of yours don't you? ;)



I was, in hopes that we could steer this towards a more constructive conversation rather than bore everyone else with this one sided ass kicking your getting. So tell me, please, when my partner and I have children, why do you think the Lord needs to help them? Help them with what? I have a job, it pays well. My partner has a better job that pays more. We have a residence, food, access to healthcare and education for our kids -- what more do we need?

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Stick around.. It gets better!





Greggy –

I was, in hopes that we could steer this towards a more constructive conversation rather than bore everyone else with this one sided ass kicking your getting.




Oops, you did it again.. Most people learn from their mistakes, you.. Not so much, eh? But let me see, you think me telling you why I think your children need help from the Lord is “steering” the conversation in a constructive manner. Really?




So tell me, please, when my partner and I have children, why do you think the Lord needs to help them?



I don’t believe in God, or the Lord. However, if I’m wrong about that, then the good Lord will forgive me, I hope. :)




Help them with what? I have a job, it pays well. My partner has a better job that pays more. We have a residence, food, access to healthcare and education for our kids -- what more do we need?



A password to your computer, and perhaps a good encryption program to start. Self-encrypting hard drives are all the rage these days, and not too expensive either.




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What do you think my partner and I's hypothetical (at the moment) children need help from exactly?


Patrick Stewart.




He did a fine job of helping to raise me. Especially the part when I realized his character was mostly phony-baloney liberal platitude-based tripe. But, before that, I was greatly comforted by Captain Picard "knowing" what was best for me, Earth, the Federation, and the Alpha Quadrant as a whole.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Stick around.. It gets better!






Greggy –






Oops, you did it again.. Most people learn from their mistakes, you.. Not so much, eh? But let me see, you think me telling you why I think your children need help from the Lord is “steering” the conversation in a constructive manner. Really?










I don’t believe in God, or the Lord. However, if I’m wrong about that, then the good Lord will forgive me, I hope. :)










A password to your computer, and perhaps a good encryption program to start. Self-encrypting hard drives are all the rage these days, and not too expensive either.





Holy f@#$ing formatting! What is your malfunction? Hit the quote button. Resist the urge to add 50 lines of blank space. We should be able to fit more than three posts per page. Stop spamming every thread on this forum with your special brand of incompetence.

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Stick around.. It gets better!


I'd give you credit for being witty if I believed this was an intentional reference to the "It Gets Better" campaign. But since you're a mouth breathing asshat, the chances of that being intentional are about the same as you winning a Nobel.



Greggy –


Oops, you did it again.. Most people learn from their mistakes, you.. Not so much, eh? But let me see, you think me telling you why I think your children need help from the Lord is “steering” the conversation in a constructive manner. Really?


I hoped it would be constructive. Why else would you make such a comment? You seem to think me having children with my partner is going to cause difficulty for them and I'm curious as to what you mean by that statement.


Patrick Stewart.


He did a fine job of helping to raise me. Especially the part when I realized his character was mostly phony-baloney liberal platitude-based tripe. But, before that, I was greatly comforted by Captain Picard "knowing" what was best for me, Earth, the Federation, and the Alpha Quadrant as a whole.


He is dreamy, but wasn't shirtless enough for my tastes.


I'm much older. Kirk was the best Captain ever, and no, not the new Kirk, although I do like him as well, I am referring to Shatner. No pic sorry, maybe Greggy has one stored? ;)

I do in fact. It's one of my favorites:



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I'd give you credit for being witty if I believed this was an intentional reference to the "It Gets Better" campaign. But since you're a mouth breathing asshat, the chances of that being intentional are about the same as you winning a Nobel.





I hoped it would be constructive. Why else would you make such a comment? You seem to think me having children with my partner is going to cause difficulty for them and I'm curious as to what you mean by that statement.




He is dreamy, but wasn't shirtless enough for my tastes.



I do in fact. It's one of my favorites:




How did all those stupid pictures merit "caption this" threads but this one....this one....didn't?


For the record.....


As he lay on his death bed Denny Crane's life flushed before his eyes. He realized his life had been about both pleasure and pain and this was best summarized by that one purchase he made from a crazy bald man in Albania on a wild night in the 70s.

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Washington Post article on her:




Funny to skim through all of the 400+ comments on the article, as the liberal Washington Post readers describe her as:



"...deserves to be raped..."



"makes Sarah Palin seem like a statesman"

"lunatic "right to lifer"

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