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Bucky Brooks rates Bills #2 RB tandem in league

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it seems as though somewone has to "remind" us were a 6-10 team if anything positive comes up about our players.


we had Lynch, and drafted Spiller. It's why J. Bell didn't make the team.


I know but that was the year we were shopping Lynch given his off the field antics, so we took Spiller to replace him. As far as BUCKY's comments, we should be #1 given we were the #1 tandem in terms of yards last year. McCoy was #1 on his own, but we had the best tandem. I understand the McCoy/Sproles comments, but they haven't done anything yet. We are a proven commodity.


What's crazy is we had the #2 running game behind Legursky and Pears. If we improve this line via the draft, we should have a great running game. Now can EJ improve is the real question.

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it seems as though somewone has to "remind" us were a 6-10 team if anything positive comes up about our players.


we had Lynch, and drafted Spiller. It's why J. Bell didn't make the team.

And my favorite, the two-word reply "14 years." Never forget!! If you are not reminded daily of the dark cloud, it might not rain!
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Why would you have to take one over the other when we could have had both?


We realistically could have, and should have Lynch, Jackson, and J Bell on this roster. We had no business drafting Spiller. Dixon at this point could have been worthwhile - but Lynch would still be here.


Lynch, Jackson and Bell...

Lynch and Bell would be #1 tandem

Lynch and Jackson would be #1 tandem

Jackson and Bell might be #2 tanem


Lynch, Jackson and Bell. ...get outta here man, that'd have been ridiculous. Yet. Possible, easily.

This i agree with 100 percent.


We really didnt have to draft C.J. Glad we have him but we had so many other needs when we did draft him.

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hmm I sort of forgot about Lynch when I posted, in some ways he just wasn't growing as a player here tho. The change of scenery and such certainly helped him in my opinion but maybe I am just being a homer.

The Bills coaches were mad at him for not hitting the imaginary holes, as he used to carry two defenders on him to get his yards in Buffalo. They said the same things about Travis Henry, Willis McGahee, and the latter is still playing.


For fourteen years this team thinks they can obtain a RB or QB and then those players can make things work without a decent line in front of them, and one or two good players doesn't make for a decent line either.


Fred Jackson would be a huge superstar on a different team like the Ravens, Patriots, Eagles. I feel bad for guys like him with that much talent to have to play in abstract obscurity while in Buffalo.

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