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Question about the face shields...

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I think it was something that a player had to actually get an Rx to be allowed to wear a tinted visor. Like if they get headaches from bright sun or somesuch.


IIRC, it was instituted so fans could see/"connect" with the players. Even tho they introduced a penalty if a player takes his helmet off on the field....


Then again, this is the NFL we're discussing, where a fumble is a fumble. Unless it's not. :devil:

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I think it was something that a player had to actually get an Rx to be allowed to wear a tinted visor. Like if they get headaches from bright sun or somesuch.


IIRC, it was instituted so fans could see/"connect" with the players. Even tho they introduced a penalty if a player takes his helmet off on the field....


Then again, this is the NFL we're discussing, where a fumble is a fumble. Unless it's not. :w00t:



Thanks. You're right though. With the NFL you never know.

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Just speculation, but perhaps it's a similar rule as to the extra pads, bands, etc. where a team can select only one or two colors & the players must abide. So each team might be limited to only one tint (or lack thereof) of visor.

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I wasn't making this up. It's not team-by-team, it's league-wide.


NFL Rule Changes and Clarifications


1998 NFL Rule Changes and Clarifications


* Tinted visors are banned from players' facemasks except for medical need.


The disconnect b/w their reasoning to disallow tinted visors and then disallowing players from taking off their helmets is laughable. :(

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