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Could the Seneca Nation purchase The Bills?


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The Bills can't pass that up can they? Isn't that part of the whole revenue sharing thing along with parking where home team gets 60% and visitors 40%?


No, that's just ticket revenue that's split 60/40 with the visiting team. But the Bills keep revenues from parking and concessions (and other things, I'm sure) and have done so forever. I can't see any NFL team just giving that up. Honestly I can't think of any sports team that plays in a privately-owned arena that the team doesn't own. This would be new ground. Without the revenues of a stadium I can't see the appeal for the Senecas to spend nearly a billion dollars.



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It's off season, so for the lack of anything much else to talk about, here's something to while away the time:


For who knows how long, the Senecas used to collect the oil that seeped out of the ground around Titusville, PA, some of which they would use medicinally (BTW, this is where the oil industry began in 1859). When white people moved to the area, they took up the practice of medicating with the oil, the more entrepreneurial among them bottling it and selling it (the classic "medicine show"). Somehow or other, the name "Seneca" got corrupted into "snake," probably through an initial misunderstanding the pronunciation. So the "magical oil" of the Senecas began to be called "snake oil." I mention this because, should Barry Snyder buy the Bills, a change of name from the Buffalo Bills to the Buffalo Snakes might be a fun one to make. Or maybe the Buffalo Red Jackets in honor of one of the great men of the Senecas.


Then there's this: Big Tree Road is named for the Treaty of Big Tree of 1797 where the Senecas sold WNY to the US. The road, Rt. 20A, runs along the old Indian trail from Boston to Lake Erie. So it's interesting to me at least that the road named for the treaty without which there would be no Buffalo, and thus no Buffalo Bills, runs right along the stadium property.


For those of you who don't know much about Seneca history, here's a pretty good overview from Wikipedia:



Edited by yungmack
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Buffalo Braves are BACK ?


Oh that would be a derogatory name that would make those in the Indian nation feel less than a real citizen & not to mention it would hurt their feelings to have Braves used in the name .. WHAT EVER !!! :doh:

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