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Michael Vick visiting the J-E-T-S - NOW SIGNED!


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is it wrong that i still don't like him because of the dog thing? if so, i apologize. in completely football related matters, i'm glad he is not on this team because i think he is careless with the football, has lost just enough of his athletecism to make him just "a guy", and makes poor decisions on the field. and for all those reasons i am really happy he is a NJ Jet.

In regards to the dog thing, I feel like he's done his time and he seems remorseful. He was young and dumb and when he says he didn't know it was such a bad thing I believe him. He was around that kind of stuff growing up and it probably desensitized him. I don't want to make any excuses for him though and it was a terrible crime but I feel like he learned his lesson so we have to try and forgive him. Now the only reason to hate him imo is because he is a NY Jet

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