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EJ on HGTV Scoring the Deal

Jamie Nails

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Finally something my wife and I can watch together. The episode is currently airing, but will surely be replayed. Follows him as he looks for his first place in B-Low. Kid has a great personality and it really underscores his desire to be here and win. Watch and you can't help but want him to succeed.

Thanks, Jamie, for the heads up on this show. It really was cool to watch EJ looking for a place to live. Seems like a hard working young guy who will do all he can to improve his craft.

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I don't see why everyone trying to justify him renting vs purchase...as a investor and FL realtor I can tell you that in NY he is making the right decision... NY property taxes are rough a 200k home in NY pays the same taxes as a 400k home in Florida ..he can claim he still lives in Florida (has to be here more then 6 months of the year so 26 weeks and 1 day) because of no state income tax . The market in buffalo doesn't appreciate like it does in other areas Cali , FL, so why pay taxes and income taxes plus what repairs and incidentals that may be covered in a lease such as trash service, water/sewer, pool

Or lawn service when you can let someone else worry about it ...

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well, he doesn't have to buy a million dollar house now does he. The fact is that he's renting and throwing away money and will not get anything out of it in the future. That's fine I guess if you are the type of person that throws away money for no reason.


What small repairs would he have to worry about with say a brand new 300-400k house with a warranty on?


Well if he bought a brand new house then there would be no repairs. But like GoBills! metioned above, the housing market in Buffalo doesn't really appreciate, and look at all the routine maintenance he gets to avoid. But back to my original point - he doesn't even know the area yet. What if a year later he hates the $400K property that he jumped into and wants to move down by the lake? Or maybe he realizes he needs more seclusion, and looks for some more land elsewhere. Or maybe (*gasp*) he's not playing for the Bills anymore? it could take up to a year to sell his property around here, and he's going to take a bath in realtor fees, not to mention he'll have to keep the thing heated and insured while he's trying to sell it. That would add up to far more than the ~$30K rent he's paying.


I guess I expect most 1st round rookies to go nuts and buy a Bentley and cover themselves with diamond jewelry. It's refreshing to see the kid use some financial restraint.

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I don't see why everyone trying to justify him renting vs purchase...as a investor and FL realtor I can tell you that in NY he is making the right decision... NY property taxes are rough a 200k home in NY pays the same taxes as a 400k home in Florida ..he can claim he still lives in Florida (has to be here more then 6 months of the year so 26 weeks and 1 day) because of no state income tax . The market in buffalo doesn't appreciate like it does in other areas Cali , FL, so why pay taxes and income taxes plus what repairs and incidentals that may be covered in a lease such as trash service, water/sewer, pool

Or lawn service when you can let someone else worry about it ...

+1. There is no reason to criticize him for renting a home, which is something most players do in their first contract or their first year with a new team,not to mention he is a 23 year old single guy who just wants someplace to live in between spending most of his time at the facility. During the season these guys are not home very much at all. They eat, work out, practice, watch film at the facility and are there 10-12 hours/day. They are on the road a lot as well. Give him a break, he may buy a home once he gets a better feel for what he wants and where he wants to be in the city.
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