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hold on real quick, i gotta go puke




Drink some gingerale to help your nausea.


Face it Drew Bledsoe still gives the bills the best chance to win.


Tom Donahoe will be correcting the real significant issues that prevent Drew from succeeding. Correcting the offensive line, TE & another WR.


Bye Bye Josh Reed.


Guarantee all you whiners will have a different attitude next season.

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I suggest Jon Kitna or some other veteran who can put up below average to average numbers a game.(Im sure there are many)





John Kitna is viewed by most as a better than average QB, and would be well out of the Bills price range. I think that he and Drew Brees (if he makes it that far) will be far and away the most saught after QB free agents. As a free-agent, why would Kitna want to come to Buffalo to back-up, or have to win a job from JP Losman? I personally think Kitna would fit in well in Arizona, or maybe even Detroit, if they do give up on Harrington, and don't pick up Jeff Garcia!


I know everyone hates Drew Bledsoe, and can't wait to see him run out of town, but be logical! Unless there is some unforseen off-season retirement (ala Elvis Grbac a few years ago) Drew Bledsoe will reamain in Buffalo, or retire! He is the Bills best option right now, and the Bills are his best option...all the free agent guys view themselves as young up and comers who want to go somewhere and start (Kitna, maybe Griese, etc), or older guys (Kurt Warner, or maybe Mark Brunell) who are no better than Bledsoe at this point, and would be a waste of time and money to sign. Bledsoe, with his paycut is the Bills best option.

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I suggest Jon Kitna or some other veteran who can put up below average to average numbers a game.(Im sure there are many)

I don't care about the quarterback having to learn a new system, if he can actually handle adversity, im all for him.(Whoever it may be)

We all know Drew can't handle the pressure of a big game. :(

I got news for you, recievers on every team drop balls each week(Its not just the Bills). :D

Sounds like another Bledsoe excuse to me.

Yeah, Jon Kitna looked REAL great when the Bills played the Bengals. :doh::) And yes there will be a shitload of QB's out there who "can actually handle adversity." That's why they're on the market. :( Oh and last but not least, the teams whose receivers drops balls aren't going too far in the playoffs.

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I say give the boy a shot. How many years does Losman need to develop. He's had one year to watch and adjust from the sidelines, even if he was nursing a leg injury. He will have all offseason, training camp(s) and pre-season. Give him the rock and let's roll the dice. Until you empower him to be the leader, it will just prolong his development. Losman can do everything the Bill's leadership will ask of Bledsoe: quick throws, hand off to Willis, limit turnovers, and manage the game. Plus he gives you added mobility and an 'X' factor that remains unknown until you play the lad. Just my .02 cents.

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Yeah, Jon Kitna looked REAL great when the Bills played the Bengals. :doh:  :D


Same can be applied to Bledsoe. Here, watch!


Yeah, Drew Bledsoe looked REAL great when the Bills played the Steelers backups. :doh::)


And yes there will be a shitload of QB's out there who "can actually handle adversity."  That's why they're on the market. :(


Yeah, because being asked to take a substantial pay cut two years in a row doesn't say anything at all. :(

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When Bledsoe does get cut by March 1st, can we have a rally at the airport to send his sorry ass out of town? Much like the rally at the Ralph when he arrived, only in reverse.




If you are going to be nasty, be original.


Bledsoe is no TO or Moss show off, demanding attention, putting himself before the team. Drew said himself that the pep rally was over the top. however people are making it sound like he set the dam thing up himself. I think he was actaully embarrassed by the whole thing. I wonder how Buffalo would have reacted if he refused to speak at it.


Drew got old very quickly. (I still think he has a year left in him)

But you can't deny he has done every thing he could to bring sucess to Buffalo.

Its not a matter of effort, toughness or attitude. Its a matter of age and the body starting to give out. Its a matter of blow after blow to the head. why is everyone being so mean to a guy thats done all he could here.


The one thing I know is that the Bills, as an organization, are in a better situation than before Drew got here.


I don't mean to lecture but I'm amazed by the anger shown toward a good guy.

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If you are going to be nasty, be original.   


Bledsoe is no TO or Moss show off, demanding attention, putting himself before the team.  Drew said himself that the pep rally was over the top. however people are making it sound like he set the dam thing up himself.  I think he was actaully embarrassed by the whole thing.  I wonder how Buffalo would have reacted if he refused to speak at it.   


Drew got old very quickly.  (I still think he has a year left in him) 

But you can't deny he has done every thing he could to bring sucess to Buffalo. 

Its not a matter of effort, toughness or attitude.  Its a matter of age and the body starting to give out.  Its a matter of blow after  blow to the head.  why is everyone being so mean to a guy thats done all he could here.


The one thing I know is that the Bills, as an organization, are in a better situation than before Drew got here.


I don't mean to lecture but I'm amazed by the anger shown toward a good guy.


Gus Bledsoe is that you?

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If Bledsoe were to be released, I believe he would be available to the playoff teams. May even be subject to waiver claims and since we are still on 2004 cap year, a waiver claim would IMMEDIATELY accelerate all remaining signing bonus amortization onto the 2004 salary cap. Bills does not have $4.333 million cap space.


The report may be true that he's refused the pay cut and will be released, but it will come closer to the due date on his $1.05 million roster bonus. I believe that is either March 2nd or 4th

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If you are going to be nasty, be original.   


Bledsoe is no TO or Moss show off, demanding attention, putting himself before the team.  Drew said himself that the pep rally was over the top. however people are making it sound like he set the dam thing up himself.  I think he was actaully embarrassed by the whole thing.  I wonder how Buffalo would have reacted if he refused to speak at it.   


Drew got old very quickly.  (I still think he has a year left in him) 

But you can't deny he has done every thing he could to bring sucess to Buffalo. 

Its not a matter of effort, toughness or attitude.  Its a matter of age and the body starting to give out.  Its a matter of blow after  blow to the head.  why is everyone being so mean to a guy thats done all he could here.


The one thing I know is that the Bills, as an organization, are in a better situation than before Drew got here.


I don't mean to lecture but I'm amazed by the anger shown toward a good guy.



That's what Bills fans do, c-biscuit! And they also get very uppitty when they perceive that anyone in the national press has disrespected the Bills or Buffalo. They reserve that right for themselves.


Some of the criticism of Bledsoe's performance is warranted, but I can tell, even recently, far less talented QB's than Drew Bledsoe have won the Super Bowl. We are seeing the same thing with Travis Henry. A year ago, everyone loved him for his grit and determination. Now they hate him, because he just wants to go somewhere he will have a chance of playing, and can contibute something. They read between the lines of everything an athlete says, put words in his mouth, and make guys like Bledsoe and Henry out to be the second coming of OJ Simpson! It is called character assasination in some circles. Call it the downside/upside (depending on your p.o.v.) of the modern era of sports and free agency. Just imagine, if free agency was an option in the 1970's, Terry Bradshaw likely would have been run out of Pittsburgh, long before a dynasty could have been created. Sports fans are way too impatient these days, call it A-D-D!


Jeez, the football season isn't even over yet, and already "BillsNation" is ready to tear apart what was a very entertaining team, that showed its' first signs of on-field progress in half a decade.

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perceive that anyone in the national press has disrespected the Bills or Buffalo.

Part of having a favorite sports team reserves you that right. And it isn't only in Buffalo. It's in every city.


  Some of the criticism of Bledsoe's performance is warranted, but I can tell, even recently, far less talented QB's than Drew Bledsoe have won the Super Bowl.

True to a certain degree. One hit wonders yes. Doug Williams and Dilfer of late. Both had great defenses. And not the offensive weapons. However the above average ones find a way to get into the playoffs every year, at least. And the ones better than above average find a way to win when they have to. The great ones repeat this year in and year out. ie. Brady, Elway, Montana and on and on.

We are seeing the same thing with Travis Henry. A year ago, everyone loved him for his grit and determination.  Now they hate him, because he just wants to go somewhere he will have a chance of playing, and can contibute something.

Hate Him? That's pretty strong word don't you think? I for one like Travis and think he should have been utilized in the back filed with Willis more. However even was he wasn't injured and Willis DID infact take his job over you never saw him on the sideline waiting to go into the game. He was always on the bench with his winter parka on stairing into space. Like he gave up on playing. Let me ask you this.. When Thurman and Davis were the one two punch would you ever see Davis on the sideline with his helmet off? Acting like it didn't matter.


They read between the lines of everything an athlete says, put words in his mouth, and make guys like Bledsoe and Henry out to be the second coming of OJ Simpson!  It is called character assasination in some circles.  Call it the downside/upside (depending on your p.o.v.) of the modern era of sports and free agency.  Just imagine, if free agency was an option in the 1970's, Terry Bradshaw likely would have been run out of Pittsburgh, long before a dynasty could have been created.  Sports fans are way too impatient these days, call it A-D-D! 

We are Bills fans. A Blue collar town who deserves better than average. We've been teased way to long and have been waiting for a playoff run for way to long. Is there something wrong with wanting to win? Sorry but you can't compare (if that's what your intentions were) Bradshaw to Bledsoe. Bradshaw went into Pittsburgh a rookie. Bledsoe came to Buffalo a 10+ year vet. Sorry if Blesoe was a rookie we all would be more patient but he's not and that's why he is being "ran" out of town. People feel we have the team to go further than we did and that's fine, that's an opinion. If some people on this board think that this team can get it done with Bledsoe than thats fine too, that's their opinion.


Jeez, the football season isn't even over yet, and already "BillsNation" is ready to tear apart what was a very entertaining team, that showed its' first signs of on-field progress in half a decade.

Yes you're right. Due to the fact that some of us feel that there is one piece of the puzzle missing. Who knows it will be interesting to see what happens in the offseason.

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Part of having a favorite sports team reserves you that right.  And it isn't only in Buffalo.  It's in every city.

True to a certain degree.  One hit wonders yes.  Doug Williams and Dilfer of late.  Both had great defenses.  And not the offensive weapons.  However the above average ones find a way to get into the playoffs every year, at least.  And the ones better than above average find a way to win when they have to.  The great ones repeat this year in and year out.  ie.  Brady, Elway, Montana and on and on.


Hate Him?  That's pretty strong word don't you think?  I for one like Travis and think he should have been utilized in the back filed with Willis more.  However even was he wasn't injured and Willis DID infact take his job over you never saw him on the sideline waiting to go into the game.  He was always on the bench with his winter parka on stairing into space.  Like he gave up on playing.  Let me ask you this..  When Thurman and Davis were the one two punch would you ever see Davis on the sideline with his helmet off?  Acting like it didn't matter. 

We are Bills fans.  A Blue collar town who deserves better than average.  We've been teased way to long and have been waiting for a playoff run for way to long.  Is there something wrong with wanting to win?  Sorry but you can't compare (if that's what your intentions were) Bradshaw to Bledsoe.  Bradshaw went into Pittsburgh a rookie.  Bledsoe came to Buffalo a 10+ year vet.  Sorry if Blesoe was a rookie we all would be more patient but he's not and that's why he is being "ran" out of town.  People feel we have the team to go further than we did and that's fine, that's an opinion.  If some people on this board think that this team can get it done with Bledsoe than thats fine too, that's their opinion.



Yes you're right.  Due to the fact that some of us feel that there is one piece of the puzzle missing.  Who knows it will be interesting to see what happens in the offseason.



-Sorry, I was in no way comparing Bledsoe to Bradshaw. I was making the point that fans tend to want to scrap everything in the off-season, because they think that whatever free-agent is out there is automatically better than what we already have. Bradshaw was horrid his first 2 or 3 seasons in the NFL. If he had played that way in this day and age, fans would have been livid, and he likely wouldn't have had the chance to develop any further, at least not in Pittsburgh. The game has changed so much, business wise, that it seems to be affecting the product on the field, and the way fans view it. Believe me, I know that Bledsoe is no Bradshaw, and never will be. M

y point was, the most vocal of fans (I consider myself a fan) don't seem to have the patience to let something build. They want to play fantasy football, cut this guy, sign that guy, get rid of the other guy, and frankly, it doesn't make a lot of sense. Bledsoe may not be all that we hoped he might be, but he is still the Bills best alternative for next season, and the Bills are best for him, if he wants to continue playing. I want to see Losman play too! I would just feel better with Bledsoe there, back-up or starter, just in case Losman is not all we hoped he would be either. I would hate to see this team lose its' momentum because they decide to head blindly into the season with an inexperienced starter. I am not saying I don't think Losman can get it done, I just don't know enough about him, and honestly, I don't know how anyone else could either. He certainly had some detractors before the draft.


-I have lived in 6 different cities over the years, all fairly good sports towns (depends on how you feel about Atlanta), and I can honestly say that Buffalo is the only one where the general sports populace takes criticism of its' teams so seriuosly, and personally. Nearly everytime someone makes a Norwood reference on ESPN, or makes some mention of the Bills 4 Super Bowl losses, I can almost guarantee, someone on TSW will start a link, stating that they despise the broadcaster, and it will be followed up with a bunch of responses in agreement. I love Buffalo. It has its' problems, but it is a great place to live all and all. Why can't we just all have the last laugh. Buffalo is only a ring away from being as revered Green Bay as a football town. Can't say I have been to Green Bay, but I have been in the area. It has nothing on WNY!


-Okay, maybe "hate" is a strong word to use in regards to the Bills faithful in reference to Travis Henry, but look at some of the threads over the last few days. Pretty nasty stuff for a guy who just wants to play. Everyone keeps insisting Henry was a locker-room cancer, but the guys who played with him (Willis McGahee included) have praised him for the way he handled himself this year...but everyone here knows better!


-You thought my Bledsoe/Bradshaw thing was off? Comparing the Thurman/Kenneth Davis thing to Henry and McGahee is kind of silly. It was a much different situation. Thurman was the established starter in Buffalo, Davis was signed as a free agent, after doing nothing in Green Bay. He was a terrific back-up for Thurman. They got along just fine. Imagine though, if Thurman had lost his starting job to Davis, in the prime of his career...I think Thurman, at that time, would have made a lot more noise than Henry did this year. Thurman matured a lot late in his carreer, but in his athletic prime, he was kind of a punk. Great player, I loved him. I still remember being sort of embarassed about his silly "Everyone says that Kelly is like Jordan, running the floor. I am the Michael Jordan of the Buffalo Bills", during the press week before Super Bowl 26.


-Bledsoe bashers, take solace. He can't play forever!


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Face it Drew Bledsoe still gives the bills the best chance to win.



What analysis or knowledge is this based on? It is all opinion. Will some continue to say this until Drew stops drawing breaths on this earth?


Those of us who don't watch the practices really can't say for sure who gives us the best chance. There have been reports (quotes in the media from Jim Kelly and others) saying that toward the end of the year, JP was torching our D in practice.


I am generally very conservative when it comes to opinions on who should start at QB, but at this point I believe that DB is too easily defensed (at least by the top defenses in the league) to take us very far. He had a nice run this year (actually, he didn't mess it up while the TEAM was doing well) but I think his days are over as the starter.

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Find someone who doesn't throw INTs and has a decent third-down conversion rate. That's all it comes down to. Don't give the ball back to the other team. That's it. It could be a scrub (Anthony Wright), it could be a has-been (John Kitna). Perhaps when I get some time I'll look at their numbers - but those are the two stats that matter,



3rd Down Completion %


(Look at Bledsoe's- not good.)

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Same can be applied to Bledsoe. Here, watch!

The point being that Kitna didn't play well in a system in which he's been in for years, so to expect him to come to a new one and do well, for a year at best, is silly. Oh and Kitna is a whole 7 months younger than Bledsoe, will probably be looking for about $4M, and as I said, at best would be playing for a year. But I doubt he wants to go to a team who has a QB in waiting anyway, so it's pretty much moot. And that's about it for potential QB's, unless Tommy Maddox becomes free, and the same problems arise there.

Yeah, Drew Bledsoe looked REAL great when the Bills played the Steelers backups.  :(  :D

Well gee, since the starting DEFENSE looked so great as well, what does THAT tell you?

Yeah, because being asked to take a substantial pay cut two years in a row doesn't say anything at all.  :)

So what? I said that him taking a paycut would be the best thing. No he's not a top QB anymore, but as recent history has proven, you don't NEED a top QB to win it all. And he's still the best option the Bills have, should Losman fail to cut it.

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The performance you're referencing is one of many examples of Bledsoe coming up incredibly small in big games.

Mike and Mike were talking this morning about $100M QB's who led their team to a SB as a starter, and saying that this weekend will be the first time that happens with McNabb or Vick. They mentioned Bledsoe and said that most people think he started the Steelers AFCCG back in 2001, but he didn't, and when Brady got hurt, he came in and "won the game." Sorry.

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