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This board is almost unreadable after a loss


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3 games in.... clearly.




Once again, when they struggle in the fundamentals, as they are, that's an issue, period.


It DOES, clearly, indicate that they're in over their heads.


On top of that, we here, of all places, should be able to recognize this since it's happened to us before.


Say what you want, but after it becomes even more blatant, then what, you'll consider yourself astute?

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Yes - only smart people like you can really see the truth. The rest of the great unwashed will in time recognize your genius.


People that can pick up on the notions of what I just replied, yes, they are more astute, or smart, or whatever you want to call it. I'll throw in less likely to be fooled and less gullible too.


I'm far from the only one, from what I see here there are plenty of fans that can see this.


But what, instead you defer to whom, people that have been categorically wrong over the years? No doubt you said similar things in years past regarding the other staffs too and those that criticized them early on.


This isn't brain science, it's largely common sense.


We're not talking about a coaching staff struggling with the intricacies of offenses or defenses here and mis-adjustments that lost games by a point or two.


What we're talking about is a staff led by someone that couldn't even figure out that his style of offense was going to lead to a miserable time-of-possession that would hinder the team. Is that going to change? No, why should it, just because you say so? Or they say so? That's ridiculous.


And what, time-of-possession is a difficult concept to manage and consider? Hardly. Any fool football fan knows that you're not going anywhere with such a lopsided time of possession. It's a tremendously trivial concept, surprised you don't realize that given your implied genius.


Do you think that it's a coincidence that Chip Kelly and Marrone coach the two teams with the worst time-of-possession in the entire league, by a wide margin even? It's not even close to the 3rd worst team.


There are a number of other things too that all fall into the fundamentals category. I won't bother with them since clearly your mind is closed, shuttered as if awaiting a hurricane.


But what, we have coaches that don't understand the fundamentals at any level but particularly the NFL level, and you think that they're going to do what, grow into their roles and become competitive coaches overnight so that next season they can compete with the top-half coaches in this league?


Who's the naive one here? It's not me and those that can see these tremendously simple, trivial, and fundamental flaws after four games of preseason and another 3 into the regular season.


If you read completely, you'll see and note that I said that I was surprised by this myself. I did not expect the assessment of this new coaching staff to be able to come so soon. Yet it has. I didn't make them coach the way that they are, not not-coach the way that they are. All I'm doing is seeing a duck and calling it the duck that it is.


But yes, despite your sarcasm you are in fact correct, the more intelligent, smarter, and less gullible people should easily be able to recognize this. You'll be on board too since those things are far too much for a staff to overcome to be even average in this league if they don't understand those things (some not even mentioned in this thread) now, at this point in time after years of coaching at lower levels. You'll be with the masses that get with the program after anyo other options have been exhausted, apparently. Then you and the laggers will consider yourselves on top of things. LOL


Fans understand it though, the smarter ones that is. I'll leave it for you to categorize those fans as you wish, which you'll do anyway.


Again, no one was expecting wins this season, and clearly with good reason, but when you have a front-4 like we have and can't even stop the run after being heralded as some kind of defensive expert, I mean honestly, you think that's a good sign for the future? Really?


I don't think that Hackett has more than a few percent support, even here, in homer central.


Who hired Hackett tho? Who thought that he was prepared for the task? Who thinks that running some caffeine hyped paced offense in the NFL was not going to have a significant impact on a D that isn't even very good to begin with?


Does it really take someone with above-average intelligence to string that stuff together? IDK, maybe it does, but I don't think it does. Apparently so though according to you.


By the way and fwiw, we're also talking about a coaching staff that had to have Manuel, but apparently failed to reconcile one of Manuel's biggest draft negatives and weaknesses by most draft pundits and analysts, namely his inaccuracy on all but shorter throws.


Then, they amass speed at the WR position to pair with those inaccuracy issues, and then they scratch their little noodles as to why we have no deep passing game.


Does this seem intelligent to you? It doesn't to a lot of us and hardly falls into the category of "Football for Budding Geniuses" in terms of comprehension. It's basic fundamental stuff and common sense. Yet ...


Somewhere there's a major disconnect, and yeah, the more astute football viewers can easily see where it is and don't need a season's worth of observation to realize that coaches that can't even manage the simplest of things are going to have much rougher going with the more complex things.

Edited by TaskersGhost
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People that can pick up on the notions of what I just replied, yes, they are more astute, or smart, or whatever you want to call it. I'll throw in less likely to be fooled and less gullible too.


I'm far from the only one, from what I see here there are plenty of fans that can see this.


But what, instead you defer to whom, people that have been categorically wrong over the years? No doubt you said similar things in years past regarding the other staffs too and those that criticized them early on.


This isn't brain science, it's largely common sense.


We're not talking about a coaching staff struggling with the intricacies of offenses or defenses here and mis-adjustments that lost games by a point or two.


What we're talking about is a staff led by someone that couldn't even figure out that his style of offense was going to lead to a miserable time-of-possession that would hinder the team. Is that going to change? No, why should it, just because you say so? Or they say so? That's ridiculous.


And what, time-of-possession is a difficult concept to manage and consider? Hardly. Any fool football fan knows that you're not going anywhere with such a lopsided time of possession. It's a tremendously trivial concept, surprised you don't realize that given your implied genius.


Do you think that it's a coincidence that Chip Kelly and Marrone coach the two teams with the worst time-of-possession in the entire league, by a wide margin even? It's not even close to the 3rd worst team.


There are a number of other things too that all fall into the fundamentals category. I won't bother with them since clearly your mind is closed, shuttered as if awaiting a hurricane.


But what, we have coaches that don't understand the fundamentals at any level but particularly the NFL level, and you think that they're going to do what, grow into their roles and become competitive coaches overnight so that next season they can compete with the top-half coaches in this league?


Who's the naive one here? It's not me and those that can see these tremendously simple, trivial, and fundamental flaws after four games of preseason and another 3 into the regular season.


If you read completely, you'll see and note that I said that I was surprised by this myself. I did not expect the assessment of this new coaching staff to be able to come so soon. Yet it has. I didn't make them coach the way that they are, not not-coach the way that they are. All I'm doing is seeing a duck and calling it the duck that it is.


But yes, despite your sarcasm you are in fact correct, the more intelligent, smarter, and less gullible people should easily be able to recognize this. You'll be on board too since those things are far too much for a staff to overcome to be even average in this league if they don't understand those things (some not even mentioned in this thread) now, at this point in time after years of coaching at lower levels. You'll be with the masses that get with the program after anyo other options have been exhausted, apparently. Then you and the laggers will consider yourselves on top of things. LOL


Fans understand it though, the smarter ones that is. I'll leave it for you to categorize those fans as you wish, which you'll do anyway.


Again, no one was expecting wins this season, and clearly with good reason, but when you have a front-4 like we have and can't even stop the run after being heralded as some kind of defensive expert, I mean honestly, you think that's a good sign for the future? Really?


I don't think that Hackett has more than a few percent support, even here, in homer central.


Who hired Hackett tho? Who thought that he was prepared for the task? Who thinks that running some caffeine hyped paced offense in the NFL was not going to have a significant impact on a D that isn't even very good to begin with?


Does it really take someone with above-average intelligence to string that stuff together? IDK, maybe it does, but I don't think it does. Apparently so though according to you.


By the way and fwiw, we're also talking about a coaching staff that had to have Manuel, but apparently failed to reconcile one of Manuel's biggest draft negatives and weaknesses by most draft pundits and analysts, namely his inaccuracy on all but shorter throws.


Then, they amass speed at the WR position to pair with those inaccuracy issues, and then they scratch their little noodles as to why we have no deep passing game.


Does this seem intelligent to you? It doesn't to a lot of us and hardly falls into the category of "Football for Budding Geniuses" in terms of comprehension. It's basic fundamental stuff and common sense. Yet ...


Somewhere there's a major disconnect, and yeah, the more astute football viewers can easily see where it is and don't need a season's worth of observation to realize that coaches that can't even manage the simplest of things are going to have much rougher going with the more complex things.

You confuse opinions with facts, and arrogance with intelligence. You purport to "know" exactly how everything will turn out, because, after all, you and other "astute" fans can see based on your vast experience, knowledge and "common sense". Well, concluding as you have that after a 3 game sample your own biased opinions have been confirmed and the whole venture is doomed to failure is neither astute nor intelligent. It is short sighted and illogical. But of course, that is just my own uninformed, ignorant opinion, not nearly as good or valued as yours.

Edited by MDFan
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Once again, when they struggle in the fundamentals, as they are, that's an issue, period.


It DOES, clearly, indicate that they're in over their heads.


On top of that, we here, of all places, should be able to recognize this since it's happened to us before.


Say what you want, but after it becomes even more blatant, then what, you'll consider yourself astute?


Great. So after 3 games, I guess that's that. Blow it up...


Get real. Not even YOU live by this assertion.

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