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Draft that will make you want to jump off a building

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To be perfectly honest, I am such a homer that I will immediately become a huge fan of whomever they draft.


That's not to say I won't second guess picks as they're made, but even if they make what seems to be a bonehead pick or a huge reach or a player I don't particularly like, I'm just *wired* to be optimistic about what that player will do for the Bills- case in point: I'm still rooting for Aaron Williams and Torell Troup to pay dividends.


The only time I'm momentarily peeved is when there is a guy on the board that I really want and they pass on him. But then I just rationalize that the "professionals" know what they're doing. :bag:


That said, there aren't really many players that I don't want, but I would be briefly (although very) upset if they passed on Dion Jordan in the first or EJ Manuel in the second (obviously assuming they're available).

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