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david versus goliath over food at the supreme court


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Monsanto does have seeds that produce plants with sterile seeds so that farmers must buy seed year in and year out instead of saving seed to use for the next growing season. They call these seeds "terminator" seeds.


Monsanto has claimed that they won't sell terminator seeds for food stocks but they have been selling terminator cotton seeds and likely other terminator seeds for years.

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If birds drop Monsanto seeds on my property I should be able to sue Monsanto- If Monsanto seeds cross pollinate and adulterate my natural seeds again I should be able to sue Monsanto, and any civilization anywhere who has ever practiced agriculture should be able to sue Monsanto over prior art- ie Monsanto should have to start with strictly wild seeds not from previously domesticated seeds. Really genetically modified plants when it is done by inserting genes from different species (as opposed to hybridization or trait selection) should be only grown in controlled environments - if you grow gm corn and your corn cross pollinates my non-gm corn I'd consider that as your freak corn damaging my normal corn for which you owe me damages .


That's a great post. Excellent argument on many levels...for this case and many more hypotheticals.

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If my neighbors bull gets out of his fence and knocks up my cow - who owns the calf?


If I plant zoysia in my yard and my neighbors crab grass takes over my yard - does he then own my forage?


If the landfill spills trash in the creek and it gets in to my drinking water for my cattle - must I return the urine to the county?


Monsanto is not the only company to do this. Pioneer, for example, does this. Pioneer just paid $1b to Monsanto for infringing on the patent last year.


Monsanto is the American Dream. America just doesn't like it.

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Seems pretty cut and dry to me. He infringed on the patent, so therefore he will lose.


Having said that, Monsanto is a punching bag that liberals love to pound on, so the fact that the good doctor is a super duper lefty who happened to bring this up to our attention, doesn't surprise me one iota.

Clearly you know nothing about Monsanto or its opponents.


Do some research and you'll see as many people on the right against them as there are on the left. Monsanto is evil incarnate.


Monsanto is the American Dream. America just doesn't like it.

Monsanto is the American dream corrupted. There's a difference.

Edited by We Come In Peace
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Monsanto is the American dream corrupted. There's a difference.

>>Monsanto is the American dream corrupted. There's a difference.

>>Monsanto is the American dream corrupted.

>>American dream corrupted.

>>America corrupt.


Am I the only one seeing this?

Edited by jboyst62
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>>Monsanto is the American dream corrupted. There's a difference.

>>Monsanto is the American dream corrupted.

>>American dream corrupted.

>>America corrupt.


Am I the only one seeing this?

Not in the least. And that's why there's only one inevitable conlclusion:




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Clearly you know nothing about Monsanto or its opponents.


Do some research and you'll see as many people on the right against them as there are on the left. Monsanto is evil incarnate.



Monsanto is the American dream corrupted. There's a difference.

What are you? A moron or such a lefty that you actually believe what you just typed?


Here is some work for ya


Google. Monsanto and evil. Or pick any derogative term to associate it with and tell me what you come up with.


Here is what I got:


Firedog lake,

Mother Earth news,



Nature news,

And huffington post


And that was just on the first page.




Yes all bastions of conservative ideologies. And the only one that could remotely be considered conservative is infowars and they are so bat schitt looney they have come full circle.


Are there some libertarian minded people who are in disagreement with monsantos policies? Sure


But is there the level of outrage from the right as there is from the left regarding Monsanto? Not even close.




Anecdotally speaking I have lots of earth loving hippy friends that I go to burning man with along with other kumbaya style festivals, and on my FB all the hatred that is for Monsanto is from the left and not a peep from my conservative friends.


So take your head out of your ass and think for a second before you post. This is an issue that largely resonates with the left.

Edited by Magox
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What are you? A moron or such a lefty that you actually believe what you just typed?


Here is some work for ya


Google. Monsanto and evil. Or pick any derogative term to associate it with and tell me what you come up with.


Here is what I got:


Firedog lake,

Mother Earth news,



Nature news,

And huffington post


And that was just on the first page.




Yes all bastions of conservative ideologies. And the only one that could remotely be considered conservative is infowars and they are so bat schitt looney they have come full circle.


Are there some libertarian minded people who are in disagreement with monsantos policies? Sure


But is there the level of outrage from the right as there is from the left regarding Monsanto? Not even close.




Anecdotally speaking I have lots of earth loving hippy friends that I go to burning man with along with other kumbaya style festivals, and on my FB all the hatred that is for Monsanto is from the left and not a peep from my conservative friends.


So take your head out of your ass and think for a second before you post. This is an issue that largely resonates with the left.

Yes... because only people on the left eat. You're right! I forgot.

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Can you not engineer a seed to produce no seeds? I know next to nothing about this and I'm sure there are some complications for certain seeds/crops...but I know my seedless oranges are good...for engineered IP that self replicates is there not always the ability to some extent to engineer the IP so that it does not self replicate? It would protect the patent...and a neighbors field from cross pollination and potential law suits as well as just generally wanting his own seed uninfringe by engineered design not found in nature...


In a grain crop? Not knowing anything about this is one thing. Not taking any time to think before you post is another. You are suggesting that we produce...cornless corn? Wheatless wheat? Yeah, i'd say trying to sell corn, that doesn't have any seeds...would present complications. :lol:




You should get a job working at HHS and help with writing Obamacare regulations, you'd fit right in.


Edit: I see, once again, that DC_Tom beat me to it.

that I go to burning man with

You go to burning man? Really?


Hmmmm. As long as you're not the guy who likes to detonate propane tanks....

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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In a grain crop? Not knowing anything about this is one thing. Not taking any time to think before you post is another. You are suggesting that we produce...cornless corn? Wheatless wheat? Yeah, i'd say trying to sell corn, that doesn't have any seeds...would present complications. :lol:




You should get a job working at HHS and help with writing Obamacare regulations, you'd fit right in.


Edit: I see, once again, that DC_Tom beat me to it.


You go to burning man? Really?


Hmmmm. As long as you're not the guy who likes to detonate propane tanks....

well, now it's official; you pay no attention to what anyone with opposing ideas says, kinda like the echo chamber that worked so well for the right last election. check out the post about terminator seeds or f1 hybrids: ie seeds that do not reproduce true to seed.. just because you and dc can't imagine it doesn't make it impossible. Edited by birdog1960
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well, now it's official; you pay no attention to what anyone with opposing ideas says, kinda like the echo chamber that worked so well for the right last election. check out the post about terminator seeds or f1 hybrids: ie seeds that do not reproduce true to seed.. just because you and dc can't imagine it doesn't make it impossible.

Do terminator seeds produce seedless corn? :lol: Besides, I hadn't read the rest of the thread when I posted that...but...neither had SameOld when he posted what I am :lol: at.


Tom is right: both you and SameOld are unmitigated morons.


You understand, I can only work with what people actually write, right? This is a message board after all. Words mean things.


Seedless corn...is what, exactly? :lol: The guy specifically said how much he loves his seedless oranges. :lol: WTF do you want from me? :lol: You want me to tell you that being interested in growing squash is a girlish enterprise? :lol:

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Do terminator seeds produce seedless corn? :lol: Besides, I hadn't read the rest of the thread when I posted that...but...neither had SameOld when he posted what I am :lol: at.


Tom is right: both you and SameOld are unmitigated morons.


You understand, I can only work with what people actually write, right? This is a message board after all. Words mean things.


Seedless corn...is what, exactly? :lol: The guy specifically said how much he loves his seedless oranges. :lol: WTF do you want from me? :lol: You want me to tell you that being interested in growing squash is a girlish enterprise? :lol:

we get it. you're a literal person....to the letter. that kind of thinking usually comes at the expense of creativity.same old used the word "seedless", i transposed it to "sterile" and we eventually came to the conclusion that, indeed, monsanto can produce nonreplicating seed which i would think is important to this court case.

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we get it. you're a literal person....to the letter. that kind of thinking usually comes at the expense of creativity.same old used the word "seedless", i transposed it to "sterile" and we eventually came to the conclusion that, indeed, monsanto can produce nonreplicating seed which i would think is important to this court case.

No. I a humorous person, and I guarantee far and away more creative than you are. I also take every opportunity to laugh at the funny.


You on the other hand are a humourles person...and that's probably why you aren't as happy as I am....and...squash.


If you want me to be humorless about this: I side, as always, with common sense. If no reasonbale, consistent standard can be established that determines what to do about pollen, seed, etc., moving from one farm to another, then the right thing to do is: nothing. IF I created a second sun, and wanted to charge people for access, I couldn't very well sue the neighbors of the people who were paying me for sunlight.


Thus, you have no right to intellectual property if you can't control it. IF there is an inherent design flaw in what you've patented or there's a flaw that is inherent to the nature of what you've patented, and that flaw directly contributes to the loss of your intellectual property...that's not the courts, patent office, or anyone else's problem: that's your problem.


I also stand for doing the smartest thing possible: Montisanto should use their heads on this, and learn from open source software. Since we already know it's practically impossible to stop plants from being...plants, there's a better than average chance that Montisanto is going to be spending a hell of a lot of time and $$$ F'ing about in courts, and even the SCOTUS is powerless to stop the next 20 farmers who end up with Montisanto seeds from planting them.


Rather than wasting their time and money with that, they should make their seeds open, in that anyone can use them, do research on them, and contribute back to the "project". Montisanto gets to charge for distribution, and, they get the added benefit of getting tons of free R&D from most, if not all, of the farmers in the entire country. Hell they can even direct who researches what...in the long run they will get much better seeds, have much better business relationships, and make a lot more money.


But, hey, that is the smart thing....

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Well, we actually do make seedless grain crops. There are winter grazing rye grasses and what not that produce a seed and all but no kernal, and without the actual junk that makes it to be considered a real seed... Just like seedless watermelon. Technically, they are seedless, because the little baby zygote seeds are not yet real seeds or even fetus seeds.

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My youngest brother Darryl wants to know if any of this will prevent him from spreading his seed (he's got a hot date).

was he genetically engineered?....thought not. then it's ok for him. the rest of us, not so much.
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was he genetically engineered?....thought not. then it's ok for him. the rest of us, not so much.

In the truth is stranger than fiction category, William Sanderson, the character actor pictured in my avatar, played:


1. Larry in TV's Bob Newhart Show, where he was famous for the catchphrase: "Hi. I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl... This is my other brother Darryl."


2. J. F. Sebastian, a genetic designer with Methuselah Syndrome, who made his own Toy-friends in the classic sci-fi movie Blade Runner.


As far as I know, Larry never claimed to have genetically engineered any of his Darryl brothers.


Roll Tide.

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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My youngest brother Darryl wants to know if any of this will prevent him from spreading his seed (he's got a hot date).



Well, if he's anything like you please encourage him to wear a condom. Two, if possible.

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