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Lil Donte Still Talkin

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The assault on Donte is very much different from the negative views expressed toward Peters andLynch. What I and others, such as NYC Bill, have noted is that Donte has come to symbolize everything that is wrong with this flummoxed franchise. The drafting of Whitner while bypassing exceptional prospects such as Ngata infuriated the fanbase. His selecton was outright bizaare. That is not his fault.


Dante is an inconsequential player who is also a talker who plays on a prominent team. That irks a lot of people, especially the long suffering fans of a very irrelevant franchise. His offense that has inflamed many of his bashers was that he was a horrendous pick by this odd duck franchise. He is getting pummelled not for him being the inconsequential player that he is but for him being a symbol embodying the foolishness of a backwater organization. That is not fair.


Wow, you are reading far too much into this. Whitner could play for the Chiefs and he would still be despised - simply because he is a loudmouth blowhard. If you think the anger towards Whitner is stemming from his draft position, then you have completely missed the boat. What irks people is the gaggle of fools that still cheerlead for him even to this day. The gloating that you see in this thread is directed at the forum posters that still think it was wrong for us to cut him. The anti-Whitner threads you see are directed at forum posters that surface when he makes the occasional physical hit (rarely). These threads a fun way to goad the Whitner Fan club, you can recognize them - they typically chime in with comments like "Just let it go already," and "Why do you still care?"


Donte Whitner: Forum Thread Champion Est. 2006

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The assault on Donte is very much different from the negative views expressed toward Peters andLynch. What I and others, such as NYC Bill, have noted is that Donte has come to symbolize everything that is wrong with this flummoxed franchise. The drafting of Whitner while bypassing exceptional prospects such as Ngata infuriated the fanbase. His selecton was outright bizaare. That is not his fault.


Dante is an inconsequential player who is also a talker who plays on a prominent team. That irks a lot of people, especially the long suffering fans of a very irrelevant franchise. His offense that has inflamed many of his bashers was that he was a horrendous pick by this odd duck franchise. He is getting pummelled not for him being the inconsequential player that he is but for him being a symbol embodying the foolishness of a backwater organization. That is not fair.


Donte was in the rearview mirror for me, but when he tried to excuse his poor career on the Bills drafting him into the wrong system earlier this season..........the same Bills who accidentally made him about $30M richer than his draft stock warranted......that was the point when it really became clear that this guy is not just the "inconsequential" player that you call him, but he is also just a no account POS.


I am very critical of the Bills organization, but sometimes a man needs to either own up to his failure or at the least just shut up.


It wasn't the system in Buffalo, and it isn't the system in SF. It's the players in front of him in SF. Players like Aldon Smith, Patrick Willis and Justin Smith. Guys picked in the same area of round 1 where the Bills foolishly picked Donte Whitner.


He is still an undersized SS who can't cover that insists on writing checks with his mouth that his own ability can't cash.


The fragility of the house of cards his sham stands on came to light when Justin Smith went out at the end of the year with an elbow issue and never came back to full strength. Without the push from RDE that Smith provided, the otherwise healthy Aldon Smith was no longer the guy who was averaging more than a sack a game. The bullets started flying in the secondary like they do for practically every other team and Donte got exposed. So how does he celebrate his new "goat" status in the SB? By writing some more checks with that loud mouth. IMO, thou doth protest too much in this instance. The truth is the truth and he deserves this criticism.

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Donte was in the rearview mirror for me, but when he tried to excuse his poor career on the Bills drafting him into the wrong system earlier this season..........the same Bills who accidentally made him about $30M richer than his draft stock warranted......that was the point when it really became clear that this guy is not just the "inconsequential" player that you call him, but he is also just a no account POS.


I am very critical of the Bills organization, but sometimes a man needs to either own up to his failure or at the least just shut up.


It wasn't the system in Buffalo, and it isn't the system in SF. It's the players in front of him in SF. Players like Aldon Smith, Patrick Willis and Justin Smith. Guys picked in the same area of round 1 where the Bills foolishly picked Donte Whitner.


He is still an undersized SS who can't cover that insists on writing checks with his mouth that his own ability can't cash.


The fragility of the house of cards his sham stands on came to light when Justin Smith went out at the end of the year with an elbow issue and never came back to full strength. Without the push from RDE that Smith provided, the otherwise healthy Aldon Smith was no longer the guy who was averaging more than a sack a game. The bullets started flying in the secondary like they do for practically every other team and Donte got exposed. So how does he celebrate his new "goat" status in the SB? By writing some more checks with that loud mouth. IMO, thou doth protest too much in this instance. The truth is the truth and he deserves this criticism.


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The two points aren't mutually exclusive. One can find Donte Whitner a below average player with an annoying personality AND can blast the Bills for reaching for him to fill a void they created for themselves. Further, there were several threads started before the Super Bowl congratulating Whitner on his going to a Super Bowl, his Pro Bowl selection, etc. and taking the exact opposite stances on the two points in the previous sentence.

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