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OT: Day 5: Not so mad anymore.


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I get these really wierd periods of time where I shake and get really.. I don't know how to explain it.. Like uneasy I guess. When does that end?


I am not as angry anymore but I can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling. Anyways. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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I get these really wierd  periods of time where I shake and get really..  I don't know how to explain it..  Like  uneasy I guess.    When does that end? 


I am not as angry anymore but I can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling.  Anyways.  Any suggestions would  be appreciated. 



Time time time. That's about it. Also, remember that you cannot TRY to stop worrying about something--you just end up focusing harder on the worry. The key is immersing yourself in something else, like a nice 3-4 day drunk (start now and make a long weekend out of it), or getting laid, etc...

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I am afraid to drink in fear it will make me want to smoke.  I am pretty sure it would be the end if I drank right now.


I'm suffering right now too. I've never smoked, but my girlfriend (we live together) is quitting. Everything she says has a rough edge to it. It's like there's a big "F.U." in paretheses over her head when she looks at you, even if she's smiling.


The moral: Kids, don't smoke. And don't be Patriots fans either. I know, all the cool kids are doing it, but in the long run, it's no good for you.

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The moral: Kids, don't smoke.  And don't be Patriots fans either.  I know, all the cool kids are doing it, but in the long run, it's no good for you.


Words of wisdom, indeed. It is far easier to shake a habit than it is to get rid of a Pats fan. I think it's a Korean proverb, or something.

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Do you want to know honestly what helps? I am not a big drug user by any means. Never got into the whole scene of losing your mind. However, smoking a joint when I am about to lose my mind has seriously really helped me through it.


I either start eating or forget all together. I sense another addiction forming.





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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go to www.whyquit.com.

It will answer all your questions and explain what's happening inside your body and brain, step by step. If you start reading all Joel's educational articles, you'll understand your addiction and be able to fight it so much easier.

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I went to the website and found it to be too cluttered. Didn't really enjoy the whole experience and ended up in the uneasy mood I spoke of in the begining of this post. I tried to register for the site and had nothing but problems.


Crap I tell you.


I have found reading to be helpful though. Anyone read anything by Dan Brown? I read the DaVinci Code and am now reading deception point. Any body read?




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OK - just go to the home page and concentrate on the blue section in the middle called "Joel's library". You can open each article and read as time allows. They are some great articles, positive, upbeat and cleanly written.


I wouldn't recommend going into the message boards etc. and all the other stuff unless you really want to and/or feel the need. I didn't find that it was helpful to be reading about everyone else's cessation problems. Some need it - others don't. I never registered.

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Words of wisdom, indeed.  It is far easier to shake a habit than it is to get rid of a Pats fan.  I think it's a Korean proverb, or something.


I don't know about shaking habits but I think there is a Korean proverb about Pats fans - "An empty tin can makes a loud noise".

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You are not alone. I'm also on day 5, as is a co-worker.


Quitting is easy. I've done it a thousand times! :w00t:


Piece of advise (for both of us). DON'T THINK YOU CAN HAVE JUST ONE!

If you're with a smoker, don't think, "oh I'll just have one, and that's it".

You may only have THAT one - for now. Then, you'll feel strong and think you can just bum one here and there. Before long you'll find yourself bumming a few more. And since you don't want to be a pain in the ass, you'll eventually pick up a pack.


We'll, i guess you can see where this is going. Before long, you'll be back into it.

I KNOW. Been there many times.


I really don't seem to have too much trouble quitting. I've had a pack last me for 4 or 5 days when I wasn't in a smoking mood. Usually, I averaged a little less than a pack a day.


The key for both of us will be to not have "that ONE little cigarette".

It starts the whole cycle up all over again.


Good luck and be strong.

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Just stay strong, it will take time but it will get better. I quit on New Years Eve in 01, lasted 7 months, and started smoking again!!


The temptation doesn't ever totally leave, but the alternative is not worth it. :w00t:

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