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I am just as disheartened now as during Jauron's last year...


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There are some great posts in this thread--maybe the most uplifting Bills thread of the year, simply because the people responding are realistic in their devotion to the Bills.


Don't know if anyone will read my 2 cents or respond, but let me just say that I agree with the OP 100%.


This was the most gut-punch awful Bills season I can remember.


From opening kickoff week 1, through us punting it away to the Colts with 3 minutes left this past week.


I find it hard to believe that our 0-8 start/4-12 finish in 2010 was more enjoyable than this season, but for some strange reason--it was. that "almost" win against the steelers in 2010? it seemed like we had a young, growing team, and ANYTHING was possible in the future. we were challenging the big boys of the league. the comeback win against the bengals. the almost win against the chiefs and ravens. that season was, for some reason, magical in its own pathetic way.


last season--that start seemed legit, and the drop off seemed like it was because of injuries. it seemed like the team for the first 8 games of last season and the last 8 games of 2010 was who we really were. 9 to 10 wins, going in the right direction.


but this season? man. we just have never had it. we seemed out of contention from week 1 forward. wins against cleveland? kansas city? who cares, youre SUPPOSED to beat cleveland and kansas city. then smoked by new england and san fran to prove, beyond a doubt, we had no shot. it just hasnt been enjoyable from game one on. its just been really really really UNENJOYABLE. thats the only way i can put it.

you nailed it.

I thought this season was going to be different for sure. The Mario signing, Kyle coming back,Byrd playing better, the addition of Gilmore.


Man all that but everything was tied to how Fitz was gonna play. And he has'nt play nowhere near the money he is being paid.


And why the Bills wont make a move and take him out and find out what we have in T. Jackson is beyond me.

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To be honest as a fan since the OJ yrs. I have reached the point of going of saying if they dont get a QB that cant play...why even watch.


I'm to that point in this long term relationship that its time to move on unless they get a QB that can get them to the playoffs.


Mommy and daddy still love you, but they have grown apart...but remember they will both always love you! :lol:

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