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Mike Vick owns a dog?


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why is it ANY of our business to question anything about him?


That's a valid viewpoint of its own.... But he's definitely given plenty of public events that if you are going to have the discussion raise valid concerns.

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Oh My God. Let's get over this scumbag once and for all. He's an ex con that was responsible for abusing, torturing, and murdering many, many dogs. Shooting, strangling, hanging, electicuting, drowning, etc... He knew he was wrong. Even the least intelligent person on the planet knows it's wrong to kill a living thing. The argument isn't about Vick as a person, we already know he's a scumbag. The argument is about him owning a dog. He has given up that right. Regardless what the courts say since he has "done his time" he doesn't deserve to own a dog. If his children want one, they will just have to wait until they grow up. They can blame daddy for being one of the biggest scumbags on the planet.


Regarding the whole conversation about comparing Vick to a rapist. It's not as simple as apples to oranges. It really is similar. People are who they are. If your a criminal, chances are you continue being a criminal. And yes, your parents and how you were raised defenately have some things do with it. Is it always the case? NO. Can that person be reformed? Yes. But the chances of that happening are much slimmer than you would think.


For example, I work in a prison. Have for years now. I have seen inmates come, and go. And suprisingly come back in a matter of a few shorts months. After spending years in prison, you would think that some of these people would learn thier lesson. They all swear they are not coming back. That they will stay on the straight and narrow from now on. That they have plans for thier lives. Yet, many of these men find thier way right back in prison. Does it happen with everyone? No. Does it happen with enough of them to make you wonder of anyone in society can be reformed? Absolutely.


To anyone doubting what I say is true, then why do you think the state/city/town sends out those cards of child molesters and rapists that have moved into your area? Of they already did thier time and were harmless, there wouldn't be a need. The fact is, people rarely change who they are.

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