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Quit While You're Ahead

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I think someone needs to explain to this team that "quit while you're ahead" is just an expression, and it doesn't mean to quit playing when you're up 21-7.


I'd like to think that this team is just poorly coached, but think of all the "worse" coaches we've had than the ones we have now. How many of them went elsewhere and became perfectly good coaches? Does anyone know the name of the two coordinators on last year's Super Bowl champions? Kevin Gilbride and Perry Fewell. Remember them? The coaches in Buffalo always stink. And the GMs do too. And the players do too. Then they go elsewhere and they're perfectly fine.


I've watched Buffalo teams quit, fold or fall apart for about half a century. Even the good ones - they came that close, had an epic loss, then turned into pushovers. Wide right? Three straight nuclear explosions in Super Bowls. That's because they were a GOOD team. Our mediocre teams - after the Music City Miracle/Debacle, a decade of miserable losing, and counting (well into the second decade).


Buffalo is toxic. We should all get out before we get permanently infected by the Buffalo Bills Stink. Once you get it you can never get rid of it.

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The Buffalo Bills Needs List:


1. A new team owner.


2. A new team quarterback.


And then this team might actually be in the playoffs - in about 3-4 years.


I'm just curious, largely fostered by Bills forums in existence, for years everyone talked about how Ralph was such a great owner because he cared about the fans in B-lo and WNY and was doing his best to keep the team here, but he's never done a dam thing to ensure that, and in fact he has done things to all but ensure that the team actually moves when he passes away.


If anyone spoke out and warned about that very thing in that way ten years ago they were castigated treated like ingrates, so just curious, what does everyone think about our illustrious leader and infinite "friend of the Buffalo fans" these days?


As I see it, and as I've seen it for over a decade, he couldn't do more to see to it that the team moves out of Buffalo but sell it to someone that wanted to do it himself.


Who knows, maybe it's more important to him to have himself be the sole owner of the "Buffalo" Bills as a legacy.


BTW, change the owner, and you'll likely fix the rest of the problems too, or at least be in a better position to.

Edited by TaskersGhost
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I have a vision of the new Bills ownership consisting of 3-4 owners, men in their late 30's, with one of them being the President. These guys would be in the lockerroom before and after games. Traveling WNY and CNY talking about their team.




Name anyone in their late thirties that has enough liquid to buy this team.


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All my hope for this season, heightened by the great draft and the deal with Mario has been stomped flat. It is one thing to lose to a team by a touchdown or field goal, but to be trounced by the Jets and Pats is just too much.


To blow what should have been a 3 touchdown lead over the Pats at half time was simply disgusting. Who decided to send Spiller (Who has a sore shoulder) into a pack of Patriot's defenders on the goal line? No wonder he fumbled. Spiller is not Marshawn Lynch. He does not play that way. The great offensive mind of Chan Gailey just was not working well I guess. The hype about our defense, Super Mario and the great defensive mind of Wanny is also smoke and mirrors. Our coaches have shown they do not know how to respond to the changing conditions of the game. There is no flexibility, no desire, no passion. The coaches look like deers in the headlights of an approaching truck.


As a result we get blown out. Worse, players get injured. The Bills are about to face the 49er's (3-1), Airizona (4-0), and Tennessee (1-3) before the bye. My bet is we are 2-5 by then.


Sorry for the venom, just heartbroken...

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I have a vision of the new Bills ownership consisting of 3-4 owners, men in their late 30's, with one of them being the President. These guys would be in the lockerroom before and after games. Traveling WNY and CNY talking about their team.




Anyone ever look into what would have to happen for the Bills to be publicly owned like the Packers?

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Anyone ever look into what would have to happen for the Bills to be publicly owned like the Packers?


The NFL has stated it will not allow another team to be publicly owned again. Each team must have one person who owns a majority stake in the franchise.


I can't. That's why I say a team consisting of 3-4 new owners with one of them being the President.


This organizations needs YOUTH!!


Dude, Obama is like 50, not 30.

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The NFL has stated it will not allow another team to be publicly owned again. Each team must have one person who owns a majority stake in the franchise.




Dude, Obama is like 50, not 30.


I think he meant that one of the owners would become president of the team, not that one of the owners would be the current president of the US.

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When did he have a "shot" at Newton or Griffin?

He didn't trade 52 draft picks to move up for them and therefore is incompetent....or something like that. I don't know, I'm just trying to stay out of the way of the pendulum on this board that seems to have moved back to "worst team in the league" this week.

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He didn't trade 52 draft picks to move up for them and therefore is incompetent....or something like that. I don't know, I'm just trying to stay out of the way of the pendulum on this board that seems to have moved back to "worst team in the league" this week.


Be prepared to duck and cover next week as they all push each other out of the way to scurry back aboard the bandwagon...




Buffalo Bills 63

San Francisco 49ers 0





17 and 2 baby!!!!! :beer:

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