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QB power rankings 2012


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you can always complain that Fitzpatrick sucks but how many draft picks has he cost the Bills? NONE!


I'd much rather spend draft picks on other positions than take the risk on a busting on a QB!




Interesting criteria...


Anyway, your philosophy of not drafting QBs would make you eligible for Asst GM at OBD.

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Man, you really are unbelievable. No matter how well the guy plays you will without a doubt try and nitpick apart and blame something anything and give any excuse to why Fitz happened to succeed even though you think he is gawd awful.


Does the guy have some dirt on you or something? The endless excuses you come up with shooting holes in his good play seem to suggest it. What gives? There isn't a player in any sport or a person alive that doesn't have deficiencies in something.

Fitz is very good at making the right decision, and making it quickly. That's his single biggest strength. Chan Gailey developed an offense which brilliantly capitalizes on that strength. Fitz's biggest weakness is his inability to throw the ball with consistent accuracy. That weakness has always been evident, including in the Patriots game. However, the Patriots lacked the right defensive personnel, or the right defensive scheme, to mask Fitz's strengths while accentuating his weaknesses. I enjoyed the win over the Patriots. But I also know that Ryan Fitzpatrick will never again put up over nine yards per attempt against that team. That confluence of a rash of Patriots' injuries to defensive players, plus a new Chan Gailey offense, plus Bill Belichick being uncharacteristically out-coached, will never happen again.

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Tony Romo is way too high. Ryan Schaub and Stafford are all better


I look at the names on Romo's tier and think Newton doesn't deserve to be on that tier either. I'm not even sure I'd put him on the next tier just yet (I'd take Ryan and Stafford before Newton right now.) Newton's not that accurate and is late with a lot of his throws. The guy has shown flashes of being fantastic, but flashes don't cut it.

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