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Extreme Makeover - Home Edition


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Y'know something Skippy, you have the sense of humor of a wet mop. I wasn't attacking your picture, I was making a joke, and I surely did not criticize you for posting personal stuff. I simply said if you're going to post it, then people like myself are going to react. You're right, I should know. A lot of people here still call me "Mock." It's funny. It's a joke. Why not laugh?


But I can't help it, S-hit, cuz you're as predictable as Frank Burns. All anyone has to do is breathe and you're running around hoping Margaret will make things better and telling people they obviously work in retail...as if that's a bad career choice.


And while we're at it, the range of my professional career and accomplishments are so far beyond anything that you and your "I get to sit behind my computer all day and get paid for nothing by a porn company" capabilities will ever, ever understand.


If you're going to hold up someone's career as a litmus test for their value in this world, you need to come up with another insult, Major Burns, because accusing people of working in retail when you have some menial hide-in-a-cubicle job that doesn't care what you do all day is really not clear thinking. On the other hand, you ARE predictable and how can anyone resist a completely predictable person?


By the way, I'd post a picture of myself, but I'd like you to someday try women first before you start stalking me. :lol:


Lighting up, Major Burns. Take the joke. And you may call me Hawkeye from now on.


Who wants to be Honeycutt? Do I have any takers for Honeycutt?




and that's all it took to get that big a reaction out of you, huh? Just make fun of your job that is "so far beyond anything that you and your "I get to sit behind my computer all day and get paid for nothing by a porn company" capabilities will ever, ever understand."? that's good stuff.


and no sir, I do not sit in a cube. I have an office (small, but its has 4 walls and a door and a window). But so what if i did work in a cube?


I made reference to retail and you say i shouldnt judge on that. Now, you wouldnt be judging people who work in cubes would you? No, because that would be hypocritical.


And the thing about having a sense of humor goes hand in hand with my job. I make a conference call at least once a week to the lovely (see: !@#$ing morons) at Microsoft. Why? Because we work hand in hand with them. How? PM me (anyone for that matter) and I will explain. See, Microsoft would NEVER want people to think they dabble in porn. Well, if you only knew. And I take my job for what it is. I work in an industry that is nothing but a cash cow that everyone thinks is not legitmate, but that everyone seems to enjoy looking at in their own spare time.


Ok, enough about jobs. Like you said, not a good litmus test.


What is, though, is how you seem to be following me around lately, taking little pot shots, and if i react (like you are hoping for) you hide behind "oh, it was just a joke"... well, believe me, I can take a joke. But your sophomoric attempts to tear down my opinions just got to me.


So, bravo - you got the reaction you wanted. Yes, I watch a ton of TV. I like it. And as you can tell by this thread, so do others. On the weekend, my TV never goes on, and that's because I am out and about. Do i need to explain this to you? Apparently so.


So, anyway, have fun the rest of your time here, following my threads around so you can make smartass comments about them .. . and I should probably go home now, because even working on this project will never get me to the level you are at... one at which i will never, ever understand"..

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S-hit...you really have me worried now. There must be SOMETHING in this world you can do that does not involve the television set. That way, when you want to talk about something you consider great, you won't constantly set the high bar at "Extreme Makeover" or "American Idol."


Given that you like to wear your life on your sleeve with this board, might I suggest an outdoor activity to break your viewing habits. Getting outdoors and trying something new would have a number of excellent benefits. Aside from the health aspect, consider that the real world would help you realize that:


1 - Selecting Manning with the fifth pick in your FF draft was a bad idea

2 - Giving a division rival a second round pick for a coke head two days before the second round of NFL cuts is another bad idea.

3 - Bush and Kerry didn't lie about WMD.

4 - Someone might actually see you wearing your hat backwards and suggest you might look more normal if you turn the hat around.


Just some suggestions given that you like to constantly share these things with us.


Turn off the tube and mingle with humans, dude.




It is one thing to call out a person for his views on the Bills, but to try and belittle a man's life. Where is the humor in that?

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I work in a cubicle.  Also, I don't have a lot of money and sometimes I like to watch TV.


I guess I better go blow my brains out. :lol:




or you could come hang out with me... my TV is only 36", but it gets treated nicely and for Bills games I go up the road to my Bills Backers Bar.

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