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Where is Alex Tanney now?

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I'm the old man new guy on the block here, so if this question has been asked before please cut the old guy a break. What has happened to Alex Tanney? I know he was in camp back at the first part of May, but since then he's dropped off the radar. Does anybody know if he's hooked up with any other (steelers) team or is he still a maybe here.

FYI BillyBuc, the Chiefs signed Alex Tanney today.



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With what? More trick shot videos?




Trick or treat the kid had excellent accuracy and a cannon for an arm. I thought he did the video more as a spoof than audition tape.

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An obvious Belicheat*-inspired move by Chief's GM (and former Cheatriettes* VP of Player Personnel) Scott* Pioli* to steal vital Bills secrets before our Sept. 16th home opener against KC B-)

Los Bastardos. i did not see it at first. But it is as plain as day now Senator.

Bill No Goodnick is an Evil man and his minions are everywhere.

Stay vigilant.

Have you any thoughts on Mark Anderson? he has shifty eyes during his interviews i noticed and he was sweating. I am considering a community watch. just in case he is reporting back to the hive of course.

CHan is smart enough to give him bad info to leak back but Dave W, not so sure.

Subterfuge is subtle sometimes.

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