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Surviving life after the NFL

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My point wasn't that they should be happy just because they have money. My point was there are millions of other depressed people around the world who don't have the money and have much more serious problems to deal with. If your biggest concern is that you spent 4 days watching Law & Order at your beach house because no one told you to go work out to be ready to play football, I don't care about your problems. Write a story about someone who is depressed because they have a terminal illness, lost their family and their home, and I will absolutely feel sorry for them and do what I can to help. Reading a story about a rich retired football player who doesn't know what to do with himself doesn't make me feel sorry for him. It makes me want to tell him to pull his head out of his ass and learn to appreciate everything he has that lots of other people don't have.


I don't think he wants you to feel sorry for him watching Law and Order, it's about how football consumes every single part of your life for well over a decade and then all of a sudden, it's gone. I don't feel sorry for him in general, I just think he's trying to help out younger players to avoid serious issues and drug abuse down the road. I realize that this is a minuscule problem compared with other things in the world but I have no problem with him sharing what he felt to try and make things better for others.

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Yes, but the last thing that you think about when entering the league is "wow, how is this game going to affect me in ten years when I get out of the NFL?" George is trying to educate younger players on how to react after you're out of the league and maybe AVOID suicide attempts or drug addictions in the future.


You don't just go up to somebody with depression and say, "wow, you made $5 million dollars in your life? You're not allowed to be depressed because you're rich." People have mental health issues, it's the world we live in. Quit bringing money into the equation as an end all be all to emotional struggles.

That is part of the problem, way to many people think money will will make you happy. It definately will not make you happy and unless you know how to cope with having money it will make you unhappy. Thats why most lottery winners end up divorced and broke 5 years after winning the money.

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That is part of the problem, way to many people think money will will make you happy. It definately will not make you happy and unless you know how to cope with having money it will make you unhappy. Thats why most lottery winners end up divorced and broke 5 years after winning the money.


WAA WAA WAA. Give me some millions and I'll let you know

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Koonce brings up an interesting point - why don't we hear about more former NBA players committing suicide? The former NBA players are dealing with the same "loss of purpose" issues that former NFL players are. You have to think all those hits to the head are playing a role. I wonder what the suicide rate is for former pro boxers?

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WAA WAA WAA. Give me some millions and I'll let you know


So Koonce's opinions and struggles don't matter for no other reason than you're jealous that he has more money than you?

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Money has nothing to do with how a retired football player feels, nor should it have anything to do with how others feel towards him.


I feel sorry for anyone who suffers from depression. Not just football players.


The loss of a career can be very traumatic for some individuals.


It would be best to not judge people's depression… especially those whose life experience we'll never be able to comprehend.

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The Beatles knew it about love. Most people, with a few exceptions, know it about happiness.


The part about Law and Order--I will never be able to watch that show, which seems to be on at any time on some channel on my idiot box, again without thinking of that line.

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