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Mad Men ...season five


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I forgot that was his kid. Yeah, that's for sure!


I think I actually caught an anachronism for once. When Peggy is telling Joan that she's not getting married, who needs a piece of paper, Joan says Greg's piece of paper with the Army is worth more than the one with her, Peggy says she's sorry or something. And, Joan says "It is what it is."


I don't remember hearing that phrase until ten years or so ago.

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Yeah...what was mostly a romp, turned into a downer of an evening for everyone...except Roger!


It was a small scene, but I loved the conversation between Pete and Megan's father...


Jeez...Matt Weiners kid doesn't get any less creepy with age, huh?


That was great. We could all see just what Pete was doing, but when he dropped the hammer it was still fantastic.


The guy playing Megan's dad was the engineer on the Red October. The internet wins the day again.

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Boy, this has been a good season. The ups and downs of Don/Megan have been a real change from the monotony of Don/Betty. I loved seeing Megan's parents flying off the handle at each other -- gives a little insight into the kind of confrontational relationships Megan's is used to.


Lane-Pete I was the highlight of the season. Roger as usual with the priceless comment.



So, I suspect that last night's episode is going to be one that people have mixed feelings about... experimental storytelling...I liked it... Roger on acid, Peggy's ****ty day, and Don and Megans' marriage woes... I think this show is headed into some very dark places.

I loved that episode, very dark. But great seeing Roger so liberated the next morning while his hottie wife didn't know what hit her. I love seeing him back on the upswing.


Yeah...what was mostly a romp, turned into a downer of an evening for everyone...except Roger!


It was a small scene, but I loved the conversation between Pete and Megan's father...


Jeez...Matt Weiners kid doesn't get any less creepy with age, huh?

Fantastic shot of the 5 of them at the table at the end -- each in their own level of misery, shock and disappointment at the end of a night that started off in celebration.

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I forgot that was his kid. Yeah, that's for sure!


I think I actually caught an anachronism for once. When Peggy is telling Joan that she's not getting married, who needs a piece of paper, Joan says Greg's piece of paper with the Army is worth more than the one with her, Peggy says she's sorry or something. And, Joan says "It is what it is."


I don't remember hearing that phrase until ten years or so ago.



Did you know, also, Talia Balsam, the woman who plays Roger Sterling's original wife (not the young one- she was on this past episode doing some spy work for Roger) is John Slatterly's wife in real life?

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Did you know, also, Talia Balsam, the woman who plays Roger Sterling's original wife (not the young one- she was on this past episode doing some spy work for Roger) is John Slatterly's wife in real life?


The scene confused me at first; she looked younger and more glamorous in this episode than I remember her from a few seasons back. Didn't know she and Slatterly were married.


And yeah, Glen is still a little freak.

Edited by KD in CT
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The scene confused me at first; she looked younger and more glamorous in this episode than I remember her from a few seasons back. Didn't know she and Slatterly were married.


And yeah, Glen is still a little freak.



She's been on all kinds of tv shows for years (Martin Balsam's daughter)....I always thought she had a kind of MILF-y quality...those smiling eyes.

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Did you know, also, Talia Balsam, the woman who plays Roger Sterling's original wife (not the young one- she was on this past episode doing some spy work for Roger) is John Slatterly's wife in real life?


Wow - did not know that!

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Stick around kid...I know all kinds of unimportant stuff! :P


Yeah, I'm the King of Useless Information!........I finally found where they are playing the trivia game locally that I hear Tony Kornheiser talk about and I know people in Raleigh that do it every week. I think it's a national thing........It's tables playing against each other for decent prizes, I guess, but it's just supposed to be a lot of fun.


The internet has cut down on the many late night phone calls I used to get from friends who wanted me to settle an argument about some crazy thing that probably happened in 1988!

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Yeah, I'm the King of Useless Information!........I finally found where they are playing the trivia game locally that I hear Tony Kornheiser talk about and I know people in Raleigh that do it every week. I think it's a national thing........It's tables playing against each other for decent prizes, I guess, but it's just supposed to be a lot of fun.


The internet has cut down on the many late night phone calls I used to get from friends who wanted me to settle an argument about some crazy thing that probably happened in 1988!


Funny, the internet and my ever-hazy memory cut down on some of those calls for me....as the song says "I forgot more than you'll never know"... I work part-time at a record store...a bunch the people there take part in these huge trivia contests, for big prizes. They came in second, last week, in a large local contest...all prize money was for charity.


Me, and at least three other friends, have all been talking about getting together for some BBQ, beers and a game of Rolling Stones Trivial Pursuit. Somebody at my "real job" gave the game to me for Christmas, and I feel bad, I still haven't opened it. I want to play, but I want to play with people who know their stuff...used to love playing Trivial Pursuit. They have a Beatles version, which were thinking of trying to meld with the Stones version, so we could get more people. Beatles trivia seems a little easier, for many. Probably because they weren't around as long, and didn't put out a bunch of crappy, unmemorable records like the Stones...but I still love them. It should be fun. Middle-class suburban fun! :thumbsup:


btw- here is a good trivia question: "What does Corning make?" Ans: "Bowls, vases and napalm" :P

Edited by Buftex
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Funny, the internet and my ever-hazy memory cut down on some of those calls for me....as the song says "I forgot more than you'll never know"... I work part-time at a record store...a bunch the people there take part in these huge trivia contests, for big prizes. They came in second, last week, in a large local contest...all prize money was for charity.


Me, and at least three other friends, have all been talking about getting together for some BBQ, beers and a game of Rolling Stones Trivial Pursuit. Somebody at my "real job" gave the game to me for Christmas, and I feel bad, I still haven't opened it. I want to play, but I want to play with people who know their stuff...used to love playing Trivial Pursuit. They have a Beatles version, which were thinking of trying to meld with the Stones version, so we could get more people. Beatles trivia seems a little easier, for many. Probably because they weren't around as long, and didn't put out a bunch of crappy, unmemorable records like the Stones...but I still love them. It should be fun. Middle-class suburban fun! :thumbsup:


btw- here is a good trivia question: "What does Corning make?" Ans: "Bowls, vases and napalm" :P


Stones and Beatles trivial pursuit would be great!.......That line by Roger was so great! I thought that last year his lines weren't as funny as previous years, but now they are killer once again.

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I didn't think it was possible but Mad Men is not only keeping up the quality but maybe surpassing it. The last 2-3 episodes have been superb. Normally I hate when any TV show or movie tries to replicate or explain an acid trip, but Roger's was awesome. I love they brought back Sally's little friend, he's great. Megan has turned into a really good character. It's so impressive how they use the ascension of the sixties in this show. Just great writing, acting and directing.

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I didn't think it was possible but Mad Men is not only keeping up the quality but maybe surpassing it. The last 2-3 episodes have been superb. Normally I hate when any TV show or movie tries to replicate or explain an acid trip, but Roger's was awesome. I love they brought back Sally's little friend, he's great. Megan has turned into a really good character. It's so impressive how they use the ascension of the sixties in this show. Just great writing, acting and directing.


For me, "Mad Men" is as close as you can get to "The Sopranos" for just purely engrossing storytelling, vibe, and intelligence. There are a few really excellent tv shows in this century, but "Mad Men" rarely (if ever) hits a bad note, for me....


btw- Hollywood 101: the only way to give an "acid trip" scene a chance of working is to avoid using Jefferson Airplane or The Doors on the soundtrack. I loved the line last week (and I am ad-libing) where Roger says something like "You always think people are looking and listening to you, but they're not"....to which Don replies "lots of people who have never taken LSD already know that Roger." Just funny stuff...I think this may be the best season yet... :thumbsup:

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I was wondering last week, if the guy falling out of the window at during the opening scene was going to end up being Pete (so proud of his new office with the window), Layne... but you realize, nobody on this show is very happy...unless they are on acid!



Okay...I should know, what you think is going to happen, never happens on the best shows...but it sure seems like Pete might not make it to season six... :cry:

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wondering what the empty elevator shaft signifies...don's marriage falling off a cliff? foreshadowing a future suicide? my wife thought the other, loaded elevator was gonna crash right in that scene killing everyone in it. wrong!

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wondering what the empty elevator shaft signifies...don's marriage falling off a cliff? foreshadowing a future suicide? my wife thought the other, loaded elevator was gonna crash right in that scene killing everyone in it. wrong!



Well, I am thinking it was the marriage thing...the look Don gives Megan, when he is watching her cooking...like he is kind of disappointed in her...she is turing into Betty? They kind of remind you that Don met Betty when she was a model for a fur coat ad. Actress/model not a big difference, perhaps? Betty always seemed like a woman who never grew up, but well educated...Megan is smart, but her ambition is to be an actress...I think Don is definitely disappointed in his wife...maybe realizing she is too young for him...


I have been saying for weeks, I also think there have been an unusual number of suicide references this season...Pete seems like the obvious candidate. The guy falling out of the window in the opening credits may look like a comic book Don Draper, but is it just a generic ad man? Pete really wanted an office with a window...and he mentions to the life insurance salesmen (whose wife he latches on to, for one last grasp at happiness?) that his current insurance even has a provision for death in case of suicde, after 6 years...it may be too obvious, but Pete seems headed to that office window.

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Couple of interesting shots of Don in "Lady Lazarus": (1) Him peering down the elevator shaft after Megan had left the office as if the bottom had just dropped out of his life. (2) Lying on his couch with Roger sitting next to him in a therapist/patient setting.




  • Nice to see Mr. Belding as the Head of Desserts. "Just taste it!"
  • Chevalier invented the Axe Body Spray ad in 1966.
  • That song was stabbing Ginsberg in the heart.
  • Pete is awful. Just awful. Nice skis, though.
  • Another week with no Lane. Not good.
  • Love the line Harry had about how his wife makes him feel small and insignificant. He's been getting some good lines this season.

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Was the elevator shaft real or a metaphor? For awhile there I kept saying Don, tell somebody so nobody falls down the thing! (I was at the Hotel Syracuse for New Year's Eve 1983/84 when somebody did that very thing).


She's been on all kinds of tv shows for years (Martin Balsam's daughter)....I always thought she had a kind of MILF-y quality...those smiling eyes.


I just looked her up and she was actually married to George Clooney. I knew he was married once before he hit it big and it was to her!

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