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MORT talks to Dungy this afternoon

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they'll probably play half the game.


the broncos will play their hearts out


the rams hate their coach. he was the laughing stock of NFL countdown tonight. There's no way in hell the rams beat the Jets. Even IF...IF they win tonight.


yes, a pessimism has grown in me, and his name is Martz.

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On MMQB Dungy said he wants to show his team that they can win outdoors as well and won't pass up an opportunity to get a W in a hostile environment like Denver. Especially since they will have to go Pittsburgh and/or NE if they want to win a ring.

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Let's Go, Insurance Adjusters, Let's Go!


Cut that (horse) meat!  Cut that (horse) meat!



C'mon Tommy, you're my favorite insurance adjuster. I'm never washing this hand again....

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I saw that too, but I think that may just be <a  style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=5&k=lip%20service" onmouseover="window.status='lip service'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">lip service</a> from Dungy. 

I remember a week 17 Bucs-Eagles game in 2001 - same exact situation for Dungy where he was going to be playing Philly in a wildcard game - and it basically turned into a preseason game.



Dungy talked about that as well on MNQB. He said how he'd only been in this situation once before and felt it was a mistake because the team was flat the next week.


So it may very well be lip service, or he may have learned his lesson.

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Dungy talked about that as well on MNQB. He said how he'd only been in this situation once before and felt it was a mistake because the team was flat the next week.


So it may very well be lip service, or he may have learned his lesson.

Interesting. The fact that he mentioned it happening before and thinking it was a mistake, as well as (I'm sure) being aware of what happened to the Broncos last year when THEY rested their starters for the season finale, would make Dungy actually try to win the game. Cool, I feel better now.

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Dungy talked about that as well on MNQB. He said how he'd only been in this situation once before and felt it was a mistake because the team was flat the next week.


So it may very well be lip service, or he may have learned his lesson.



Well, then that is great news, thanks.

What is MNQB, ESPN News?

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