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Beerboy's big birthday bash blowout bonanza


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I threw a party for Beerboy's birthday. We had a decent sized crowd so we used the auxiliary auditorium. Against my better judgement, I booked his favorite band of all time to play the gig.


For their big finale they played his favorite song. Well Beerboy had had a little too much to drink and crashed the stage with a huge box on his head. I thought he was going to get hurt but he started dancing with the band and well.........


I'll let you judge for yourself. He comes in about the 1:30 mark.



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Nice. Dude can still move - even at his advanced age and blood alcohol level.

Suppose that was you in center stage in the shiny silver pants wearing the farfegnugen chain medallion.

Looked like quite a party.

I was not on stage. I was playing bartender. Beerboy got drunk on fresh squeezed pomegranate lemonade with a splash of wine cooler; his favorite.

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I was not on stage. I was playing bartender. Beerboy got drunk on fresh squeezed pomegranate lemonade with a splash of wine cooler; his favorite.


Too bad he did not feature this in the "favorite girlie drinks" thread. As usual he must have simply wanted to deny his feminine side.

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