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I'm having a hard time...

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I understand ya man.........these other guys are just old farts that are going to die miserable but happy they like something and stuck by it.



But........I'll be a Bills fan as long as I like football........when I quit liking the bills........thats when I quit liking football....

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Ralph Wilson would like to thank all of us fans for still buying tickets and Bills merchandise for all these years. So,when he croaks, his kids have an NFL team to sell and never have to actually work again. Thanks Ralph for 12 years of mediocrity. Jokes on us boys and girls. Kinda hope they move so I can switch teams without feeling guilty.

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I don't know. I am pretty sure there is something in my dna that makes rooting for the bills the only choice. I mean, I would love to jump ship and root for a winner like the packers. Buuut, i just can't. The bills are in my dna and there is no science that can cure me :(

I feel the same way.


just hope that they turn it around ...soon.

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I didn't choose to be a Bills fan. I was born that way. I want a constitutional amendment stating as such. And also extra penalties if people commit a crime against me.



Is it?


It doesn't always feel like a choice to me because I never consider the other alternative.



I don't know. I am pretty sure there is something in my dna that makes rooting for the bills the only choice. I mean, I would love to jump ship and root for a winner like the packers. Buuut, i just can't. The bills are in my dna and there is no science that can cure me :(


This is what sets us apart from New England fans and the douchebags who you see wearing Michael Jordan gear one minute and Kobe stuff the next. We represent our home for better or worse. We aren't frontrunners.



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To the op I hear you man... To root for this team is extremely tough not bc of the losing it's bc of the total lack of caring from the top. Being a bills fan is an abusive relationship to say the least. We all want more from this team and more emphasis on winning yet we don't get it. Blind fandom insures that this team will make money bc if we don't buy tickets/merchandise they might leave (again tying in to the abusive relationship).


I have spent this year pondering my fan hood and don't feel it makes me less of a fan. I can't stand when ppl say if you leave you never were a fan at all and that is bs! I have spent a ton of money traveling hundreds of miles for 5 years with my season tickets and I couldn't justify it anymore. I have bought many jerseys and worn them with pride only to see the bills not pay them and let them leave. I can't support something that just steals my money. All I ask for is a genuine effort to be competitive not just to make money.


Yesterday was a weird day for me. For the first time that a game was blamed out I didn't watch the Internet feed or even make an attempt to. When the game got out of hand I took a nap. Never could I fathom skipping a bills game and not caring about it. This is not what I want out of my favorite team.


I love the bills. I love football. I think my disenchantment with both is disheartening to say the least. I can't leave I can't quit. But I have stopped caring so much and that is Ralph's fault. So when the ticket representative calls I will laugh at him again and be sad at the same time.


Remember when every Sunday you knew the bills would win? That they had the better team and if they lost it would be an upset? How long ago was that and how terrible is that?

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...in trying to talk myself into coming back as a fan of this team next season. I've been a diehard fan since 1988. I've seen a lot of good, but over the course of the last 12 years, seen way more bad. I even promised a boycott for the final three games this year, but I caved and turned the game on today. And guess what happened?...well, you know what happened. If I was the owner of this team, or the GM, I'd really have to put myself in the fans' shoes. What reason do I/we give the great, loyal fan base of the Buffalo Bills to come back next year? Its been 12 years since we've been in the playoffs. We've had one winning season in that span. How in the world do we even get half of the people in the seats at the stadium? Is it REALLY this difficult to build a winner? To get competent and relavant football minds to run this team? To actually sign people who can play and, or more importantly WANT to play here? To actually HIT on a single draft pick?


Guys, this is ridiculous. I know, I know, I'm beating the already perverbial "dead horse" here. But year after year of watching meaningless football into December is wearing on this particular, loyal Bills fan. This year really felt different. Do we really deserve this? Haven't we been through enough? Wide Right...Four Superbowl losses, the Music City Miracle, and now, 12 years and counting without a playoff berth.


We've given so much passion, loyalty and committment to a team that year in and year out gives us virtually nothing in return...


And I just don't know if I can do it again...


I think that frustration talking. Most of us are frustrated. I think the biggest thing is not to have high expectations with our team. Until we actually make it to the playoffs I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. After the Giants game this year, IMO you could tell we were on the verge of collapsing.

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I can't choose to be a Bills fan, I was born that way.


They'll get it back on track. It looks promising. In the beginning of the season we all thought that the Bills would be 0-16. I guess thats why it hurts to be let down after a good beginning.

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