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Bills Rooster Turnover 83 % since 2007

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I think we all remember where we were on certain days and nights when the Bills played. For example we all know where we were when the Bills played the Comeback Game against Houston. How about the 2007 Monday Night Game against Dallas when we lost despite 6 Cowboy turnovers.


I looked at the 53 man Rooster from The Bills for that season, there are 9 players still with the Bills who played in that game, the other 44 players have been released or left. That means in the 4 years since we last played the Cowgirls we have turned over 83 % of our Rooster. Now that has to be some kind of NFL record or close to it anyway.


The remaining team members are Roscoe Parrish , Fred Jackson, Kyle Williams, Ryan Lindell, Brian Moorman, Terrance McGee, Bryan Scott, Chris Kelsey and George Wilson.


Of those guys Fred Jackson and George Wilson are playing great ball.


Kyle is on IR this year but is a main cog of the Bills Defense


Roscoe on IR again(what a shock huh)and has played his last game in a Bills uniform in my opinion.


Ryan Lindell is still kicking the ball well but got hurt last week trying to make a tackle and is out for 4-6 weeks.


Brian Moorman still punts pretty well also, but his career in Buffalo could end in another year or 2.


Bryan Scott is also a valued member of the team still and make a fair number of plays.


Kelsey had the game of his life against Dallas, with a pass deflection, int and TD all on the same play, but he is more of a role player now.


McGee had a kick return for a TD in the game against Dallas but clearly his best days are behind him.



The New Look Bills are 5-3 and hopefully they can beat Dallas come Sunday.

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I think we all remember where we were on certain days and nights when the Bills played. For example we all know where we were when the Bills played the Comeback Game against Houston. How about the 2007 Monday Night Game against Dallas when we lost despite 6 Cowboy turnovers.


I looked at the 53 man Roster from The Bills for that season, there are 9 players still with the Bills who played in that game, the other 44 players have been released or left. That means in the 4 years since we last played the Cowgirls we have turned over 83 % of our Rooster. Now that has to be some kind of NFL record or close to it anyway.


The remaining team members are Roscoe Parrish , Fred Jackson, Kyle Williams, Ryan Lindell, Brian Moorman, Terrance McGee, Bryan Scott, Chris Kelsey and George Wilson.


Of those guys Fred Jackson and George Wilson are playing great ball.


Kyle is on IR this year but is a main cog of the Bills Defense


Roscoe on IR again(what a shock huh)and has played his last game in a Bills uniform in my opinion.


Ryan Lindell is still kicking the ball well but got hurt last week trying to make a tackle and is out for 4-6 weeks.


Brian Moorman still punts pretty well also, but his career in Buffalo could end in another year or 2.


Bryan Scott is also a valued member of the team still and make a fair number of plays.


Kelsey had the game of his life against Dallas, with a pass deflection, int and TD all on the same play, but he is more of a role player now.


McGee had a kick return for a TD in the game against Dallas but clearly his best days are behind him.



The New Look Bills are 5-3 and hopefully they can beat Dallas come Sunday.

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Don't have any statistics to back it up but my guess is that 83% turnover in four years is about the NFL average. To paraphrase Thomas Hobbes, life in the NFL is nasty, brutish and short.

Don't forget to post here too: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/138308-bills-rooster-turnover-83-since-2007/


Weird how there's two identical topics but one has 71 views and the other one only 42…


Remember that Star Trek episode with the Evil Spock in the parallel universe, "Mirror Mirror?"


Great episode.



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There are several proposed theoretical explanations for the observed phenomenon of 83% rooster turnover:


1. The earth's inner core is tens of kilometers off-center;




2. The future has resumed its efforts to sabotage experiments being conducted at the Large Hadron Super Collider (you can't make this stuff up);




3. Chicken Little (a well-known expert on rooster demographics) was right!


4. Ralph is cheep.


5. It's hard to keep your rooster upright in the NFL.

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Just goes to show what a disaster the Marv years were in terms of personnel decisions. Very little remains from those 2006/2007 draft classes.

Any team that changes coach between 08 and say 10 is in the same spot. Very few players make it through that.

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