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Mr. Wilson to be at Bills-Jets Game

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It'll be the first game he's attended since falling and breaking his hip in June.


This season's home opener was the first one Ralph has missed since purchasing the team.




"He plans to get on a plane Sunday morning and fly from Detroit to Buffalo. Is he looking forward to it "Very much so," he said. "It's a little hard for me to get around. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. I'm making the effort. I never make plans too far in advance. I haven't been to any games this year, home or away. I'm up to it right now. I think I can make it."


While I'm eternally grateful for him bringing pro football to my beloved hometown, I've been a harsh critic of Wilson, mostly for his ineptitude.


But time heals all wounds and I'm really happy that he'll get to see his team host an old AFL rival.


Best of health to you, Ralph. Hope your boys can give you a nice win.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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This is a good sign. I was a little nervous because there was little news from him and not many quotes in the media after the fall. These kinds of injuries can be the end for older people. If he can make it to this game, it means he is not in dire straits. I hope he sticks around for quite some time. Enough time to allow the Rams and Chargers or Raiders to relocate.

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It's good to hear that Mr. Wilson will be at the game. He'll get to see first hand what Nix, Gailey, Whaley, Wanny, ect... have been up to. I haven't always agreed with his moves, but I wish him good health and another victory today.

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