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Bills may already be trying to trade up into the end of Rd 1

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I want you to be honest here, give me the name of a past or present QB who's level Ponder will most likely reach in the NFL.


I'm with you 1bills but it's really not about that. It's about the Bills trading up for a guy who should still be there at 34. Ponder is terrible value in Rd. 1. The Bills seem intent on continuing their refusal to sit and let the draft come to them. Last year they tried to trade up into Rd. 1 to take Demetrius Thomas, who was a significant injury risk and who ended up blowing out his achilles. That pick would've been a disaster (and stemmed from OBD's inability to judge the players on its roster, like Parrish and Stevie J). They've traded up to take Losman, McCargo and Denney - all huge reaches who underperformed. Good teams play the draft by staying where they are (or trading DOWN to acquire more picks), and drafting value. The Bills don't.


And by the way, if these clowns trade into Rd. 1 to take Ponder and it costs them next year's #1 (which may very well be a Top One pick), I swear to God I'm done with them until Ralph is out. Finished.

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I'm with you 1bills but it's really not about that. It's about the Bills trading up for a guy who should still be there at 34. Ponder is terrible value in Rd. 1. The Bills seem intent on continuing their refusal to sit and let the draft come to them. Last year they tried to trade up into Rd. 1 to take Demetrius Thomas, who was a significant injury risk and who ended up blowing out his achilles. That pick would've been a disaster (and stemmed from OBD's inability to judge the players on its roster, like Parrish and Stevie J). They've traded up to take Losman, McCargo and Denney - all huge reaches who underperformed. Good teams play the draft by staying where they are (or trading DOWN to acquire more picks), and drafting value. The Bills don't.


And by the way, if these clowns trade into Rd. 1 to take Ponder and it costs them next year's #1 (which may very well be a Top One pick), I swear to God I'm done with them until Ralph is out. Finished.



I'm with you.


BTW, it's very unfortunate that the Bills probably won't get any calls for a trade down in the first because there are so many dang pass rushers in this 1st round, and Miller's smallish size and playing style scares the pants off me. I've resigned myself that they will pick Miller and there's nothing I can do but hope everyone who likes him is right.


There will be so many great options at #34. This Ponder talk has me going crazy. He's at best a backup and there's nothing he can do that Fitzpatrick doesn't already do 10 times better.

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Want a new comparison? How about Drew Stanton...




"Christian Ponder, Florida State: 413 DYAR

Important stats: 33 games started, 61.8% completion rate, senior passer rating dropped 12.0 points.

Maybe somebody reaches for him because so many teams have quarterback needs this year, but Ponder just seems to me like a classic third-round pick. How high is his ceiling, really? Isn't he basically just Drew Stanton? I would be scared of how his improvement stagnated in his senior year."



You guys should listen to these "folks" because they're not acting like irrational love sick puppy dogs who are head over heals with any and every mid round level QB in the draft...OMG!!! LOOK AT ALL THESE QBs!!!! LET'S BE LIKE THE PANTHERS LAST YEAR AND BLOW A HIGH PICK OR TWO ON ONE OF THEM!!!!


Could it be that he played with an elbow injury and thus didn't have his normal arm-strength? Or could it

be that Florida State isn't as strong as they used to be? Who were his receivers and RBs? I think Fla State

plays in a pretty tough conference, too.

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*It’s now starting to look like the second tier of quarterbacks – Jake Locker, Christian Ponder, Andy Dalton and maybe Ryan Mallett – could start flying off the board as early as the tenth pick, with the Redskins (they allegedly have a thing for Locker), Dolphins and Jaguars being candidates to start the ball rolling. As the draft has drawn nearer, these players have become hotter and hotter. A number of teams already having investigated moving up from high in the second round into the first to land a quarterback. Among those teams that have made calls are the Jaguar, Titans, Bills and Vikings.




Frankly, this terrifies me. It would be just like the Bills to blow their prime second round pick (and another pick or two) to climb back into Rd 1 to take Ponder or one of the other second-tier developmental QBs. Why do this? The team has so many needs, and if they don't pull the trigger on Gabbert or Newton, it would be ridiculous to start dealing away picks to land someone who won't start for several years, if ever. I'm really becoming concerned that the Bills are going to come out of Rounds 1 and 2 with Von Miller and Christian Ponder and fewer draft picks than they started with. Not good.


Also: here is an article suggesting that Ponder doesn't project too well:




i think they may surprise us with who they take if they do trade back into the first for a QB.


if newton is there by some miracle just pencil in his name now you can take that one to the bank because @ the suite holders meeting whaley was off to the side with john murphy. he did not see me behind him @ the bar and i could hear their conversation.


whaley was talking about newton and his eyes lit up like candles and he flat out said is he is there he's their pick. he said you just cant bypass a franchise QB. laugh all you want but i heard it with my own ears so i could care less if anyone believes me but i know what i heard.


now on sirius the GM for the panthers just said they are open to trading their #1 pick,this could get very interesting.

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depending on how far into the 1st they want, i would assume this could be done for our 2nd and our extra 4th. Not quite sure though. if thats the case then no huge loss there. You dont really lose a pick. if this is the case then go for it. if its anything more then see ya.

-->For a top 3 OT, you have to be at #20, right above KC/Indy. That's 850, or our 2nd (550) and 3rd (255). Not worth it.


-->For a top 4 QB, get ahead of Miami by trading into #14. That's 1100 points. Not happening.


-->For Kaepernick-Dalton, stay where we are in the 2nd. I don't see the run on QB's over the talent teams would have to pass up, trust me. Taking 2nd tier QB's over late first guys like Castonzo, Martez, Sheard, Solder, Wisniewski would be insanity.


We'd be better off trading down.

Let the wild rumpus start!

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-->For Kaepernick-Dalton, stay where we are in the 2nd.


what are your thoughts on mallet then? i just cant believe k-pick* or dalton are currently graded higher than he. i love him and want him at 22-27 in a trade-up scenario…am i nuts?







*i hope the 'phins take him and this is his nickname for the next 4 years

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I might trade back into the first round but not for a QB- if Von Miller is our first pick I might see if I could get back in for Watt, Jordan, Wilkerson, or Hayward -Believe or not Nix wasn't kidding when he said he needed DEs to play 3-4 DE.

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