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Spielman continues the fight against cancer


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It truly is a fight. My wife just completed her 8 sessions of chemo and will be having surgery in one week to have a mastectomy. Hers is the more aggressive inflamatory breast cancer. We're hoping that she caught it in time. Inflamatory is different because it doesn't necessarily have a lump associated with it. Redness, warmth, swelling, and an orange like texture to the skin are some of the symptoms. It is very important to catch it early, and not wait thinking it's an infection. By the time the symptoms above are found, it's already stage 3. It's very aggressive and can turn to stage 4 and metastasize very quickly. Please make sure all of the women in your life are aware of these symptoms. Thank you!

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Thank You BillsWest.


Wishing all the best to your wife, your family, and yourself in the battle against this terrible disease.


It's inspiring to see the strength and courage that people like your wife and yourself show in the face of these challenges. No surprise that one of the high-character people of all time, Chris Spielman continues to help lead the fight.


I hope to see the day when many of these diseases are extinguished forever.

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It truly is a fight. My wife just completed her 8 sessions of chemo and will be having surgery in one week to have a mastectomy. Hers is the more aggressive inflamatory breast cancer. We're hoping that she caught it in time. Inflamatory is different because it doesn't necessarily have a lump associated with it. Redness, warmth, swelling, and an orange like texture to the skin are some of the symptoms. It is very important to catch it early, and not wait thinking it's an infection. By the time the symptoms above are found, it's already stage 3. It's very aggressive and can turn to stage 4 and metastasize very quickly. Please make sure all of the women in your life are aware of these symptoms. Thank you!


Prayers to you and your family, BW. Please, please, please know that is just not lip service. I'm not saying it is lip service by anyone else. I just want you to truly know I will be saying prayers for you.

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It truly is a fight. My wife just completed her 8 sessions of chemo and will be having surgery in one week to have a mastectomy. Hers is the more aggressive inflamatory breast cancer. We're hoping that she caught it in time. Inflamatory is different because it doesn't necessarily have a lump associated with it. Redness, warmth, swelling, and an orange like texture to the skin are some of the symptoms. It is very important to catch it early, and not wait thinking it's an infection. By the time the symptoms above are found, it's already stage 3. It's very aggressive and can turn to stage 4 and metastasize very quickly. Please make sure all of the women in your life are aware of these symptoms. Thank you!


I wish her the best of luck and hope she pulls through.

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Spielman is one of my favorite Bills of all time, despite his short career here.


When I think of this guys battle against Cancer it reminds me of South Park, with Russell Crowe's show "fightnin' Round the World." I seriously could see Spielman foaming at the mouth to knock the snot out of cancer.

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It truly is a fight. My wife just completed her 8 sessions of chemo and will be having surgery in one week to have a mastectomy. Hers is the more aggressive inflamatory breast cancer. We're hoping that she caught it in time. Inflamatory is different because it doesn't necessarily have a lump associated with it. Redness, warmth, swelling, and an orange like texture to the skin are some of the symptoms. It is very important to catch it early, and not wait thinking it's an infection. By the time the symptoms above are found, it's already stage 3. It's very aggressive and can turn to stage 4 and metastasize very quickly. Please make sure all of the women in your life are aware of these symptoms. Thank you!

Hoping for the best for your wife :thumbsup:

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It truly is a fight. My wife just completed her 8 sessions of chemo and will be having surgery in one week to have a mastectomy. Hers is the more aggressive inflamatory breast cancer. We're hoping that she caught it in time. Inflamatory is different because it doesn't necessarily have a lump associated with it. Redness, warmth, swelling, and an orange like texture to the skin are some of the symptoms. It is very important to catch it early, and not wait thinking it's an infection. By the time the symptoms above are found, it's already stage 3. It's very aggressive and can turn to stage 4 and metastasize very quickly. Please make sure all of the women in your life are aware of these symptoms. Thank you!


Stories like this is why I never complain about what I think are hard times because we don't know what hard times really are. Why does it seem to always happen to the good people in this world? It never happens to the scum that have no respect for their own life let alone someone else's. I am truly sorry and wishing you all the strength you need to get through these difficult times.

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