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(OT) Little Johnny turned 6 on the 12/9


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Happy Birthday Johnny.


March 12, 2000, the day my Little John was diagnosed with ALL (Leukemia) seems almost a lifetime ago. After 39 months of chemo (ended on 5/11/04) he has tested clean now for 6 months. He began Kindergarten this year and since I work evenings, I've always had him with me when my wife worked. Letting him go to school was very difficult even if only for half a day. Admittedly, I cried.


I cried because I wanted him to stay with me, I cried because I worried that he wouldn't be cared for as I do him, but mostly I cried because he could go.


And now because Christmas is almost upon us, it's time to step back a moment and be thankful for what gifts we have. Next to my wife, my children have been the greatest gifts bestowed upon me and it's taken me until my late 40's to realize this. Little Johnny adds a giant exclamation point to this. So for everyone out there who's still battling over what life is all about, I hope this may help to direct you to find what really matters.


To everyone here, Merry Christmas.

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What you have said is the true meaning of christmas.


God Bless your son. He has a great future ahead of him. For he has the best father in the world to care about him. I commend your son for the courage he has.



Merry Christmas to you all.

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Next to my wife, my children have been the greatest gifts bestowed upon me and it's taken me until my late 40's to realize this.


Sounds like you would have figured it out without the hardship.


Happy Birthday Johnny, you tough little SOB. A life of never taking anything for granted awaits you. Your parents' example of focusing on what really matters will be one to emulate. Enjoying things many don't take notice of, having empathy and understanding of the hardships of others, having the emotional and mental courage to stand where others may falter - these are just a few of the many things that have been forged into steel by the heat. Enjoy the clarity of purpose in your life.

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Happy Birthday Johnny.


March 12, 2000, the day my Little John was diagnosed with ALL (Leukemia) seems almost a lifetime ago. After 39 months of chemo (ended on 5/11/04) he has tested clean now for 6 months.  He began Kindergarten this year and since I work evenings, I've always had him with me when my wife worked. Letting him go to school was very difficult even if only for half a day. Admittedly, I cried.


I cried because I wanted him to stay with me, I cried because I worried that he wouldn't be cared for as I do him, but mostly I cried because he could go.


And now because Christmas is almost upon us, it's time to step back a moment and be thankful for what gifts we have. Next to my wife, my children have been the greatest gifts bestowed upon me and it's taken me until my late 40's to realize this. Little Johnny adds a giant exclamation point to this. So for everyone out there who's still battling over what life is all about, I hope this may help to direct you to find what really matters.


To everyone here, Merry Christmas.






Great message and an excellent reminder of what this season is all about. My niece was diagnosed with ALM two years ago. They went the chemo route at Milwaukee Children's Hospital but unfortunately she did not stay in remission. She had a bone marrow transplant this summer and thankfully, she is doing great.


What amazed me the most is the strength that can be exhibited by a 6 year old girl. She also taught me some things about life I may not have have learned on my own.


Experiencing a challenge like that helps keep all the pissing, moaning, whining and bitching that goes on here in perspective.

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Great message and an excellent reminder of what this season is all about.  My niece was diagnosed with ALM two years ago.  They went the chemo route at Milwaukee Children's Hospital but unfortunately she did not stay in remission.  She had a bone marrow transplant this summer and thankfully, she is doing great.


What amazed me the most is the strength that can be exhibited by a 6 year old girl.  She also taught me some things about life I may not have have learned on my own.


Experiencing a challenge like that helps keep all the pissing, moaning, whining and bitching that goes on here in perspective.




God Bless her Mike. Tough little trooper she is. Merry Christmas to you and your family. She and all the other little troopers will be in my thoughts. I love children.

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While people are out in the malls extending their credit cards to the max, to please their healthy spoiled children, there are 1000's of sad stories, like johnnys. I work in the health field, and this time of year is especially hard for families of ill relatives. We have a wonderful woman at work whose husband has very few days left. She has 2 beautiful sons, but she keeps her head held high. In fact untill she left on family leave, most people in the office did not know of her plight.


I dont know about the rest of you, but Christmas, doesnt feel like it used to. Its all about the presents, not the goodwill to men.


I lost my daughter last year, she finally succumed to neurofibromatosis2. After 41 surgurys in 13 yrs. It was finally too much.


So as Stephen Stills would say "Teach Your children well.." Go do a good deed for someone before you hit the malls. I guarantee you, you'll rediscover what Christmas is all about.


Happy Birhtday Johnny!!! And Merry Christmas!!! :D;)

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