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Its disrespectful to the player, and his family. How do we know he does not frequently visit fan sites?? We dont! I understand that he is a professional athlete, and if yahoo or nfl.com is going to post the video that is fine with me. To put it on the front page of a Buffalo Bills fan site to me is in bad taste. What is the point of it? To advertise the horrible play? Such a tacky and tasteless move in my book. Why not put the Freddy J touchdown catch, or any of Fitzpatrick's great plays from the game. I'm just saying if you cant get love from your own team's fan page then where the heck can you get it. Certainly, not on dolphins.com

Absolutely ludicrous assumption.


If you actually read the full site - articles and message board - you'll find plenty of love for Stevie being thrown out. I'd suggest read more, talk less as a starting point.


No! What I'm saying here is that we are all Bills fans here. As painful as that may be why have a running video of the single worst play of the season. That makes no sense. When other teams fans come on the board and see that video right on the front page it makes us look pathetic. All I can say is I certainly do not think we would go to Colts.com and see one of Peyton Manning's interceptions this week being highlighted on the front page. Call me crazy

Really? I'm fairly certain there's quite a few non-Bills fans here. Again read the posts, you'll see plenty of people hoping for losses, wanting to cut some of our best players, hoping the owner passes away, etc. There's easily just as much criticism of the Bills as their is praise around here. Maybe being a fan is more than just praising the positive??


I disagree. There's quite a few fans of other teams that frequent the board. I've always thought they came here out of a respect for the quality of football talk and the honesty of posters here. I've never seen them say this place is pathetic.


Nope. I wasn't saying that the videos should be changed out regularly or comment on the good work of people who contribute to making this site great. I'm just saying that, as a fan and someone who frequents the site, it's depressing to see the video up there. Like a picture of an ex girlfriend hanging up in your locker, it's easier to get over her if you just take the picture down and not have to look at it. That sort of thing.

True, it is. But, we're Bills fans. There can't be good without the bad. We celebrate it all.


Being a Bills fan isn't for the faint of heart. It takes inner strength, courage, and a certain resiliency that most people can not appreciate nor do they understand. Go Bills!

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Should I hide the score from you too? What about the articles that discuss the play? Should we delete them? What about the message board? I could scour the board and see if anyone mentioned Johnson's play (I don't think anyone has, but you never know) and forbid those posts.


How far should I go to protect you and the Buffalo Bills from unpleasantness?


Maybe you could also ban the words "wide" and "right"? ;)

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I dont know about everyone else on the board, but I have to say that is pretty disrespectful. Everyone knows what happened, I dont think it needs to be advertised with the you tube video on the front page. The guy is having a very good year. He does drop some balls, and he may or may not be the future in Buffalo, but he is still a man. I am sure he is hurting enough. We were 2-8 anyway. Its not like he ruined our playoff hopes.


It was kind of the key play in the game. It is also what most everybody is going to be remembering about that game.

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Yes Dan! You got me! I should read more, and post less LOL. Ive had about 40 posts in 6 years. All I do is read the board. Also, I wasn't talking about "fan praise" or the "media". What I was talking about is the front page of what is supposed to be a fan site. I'm not saying that fans shouldn't discuss, or bash for that matter, anyone they want. What I'm saying is that any opposing fan would have a good laugh seeing that on the front page of a "bills backing" website. Like I said previously, show me Peyton Manning's game losing interceptions on the front page of a Colts site. Too much class, and too much pride for that sort of thing. Poor taste in my book whether you agree or not. That's what makes America great!

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Yes Dan! You got me! I should read more, and post less LOL. Ive had about 40 posts in 6 years. All I do is read the board. Also, I wasn't talking about "fan praise" or the "media". What I was talking about is the front page of what is supposed to be a fan site. I'm not saying that fans shouldn't discuss, or bash for that matter, anyone they want. What I'm saying is that any opposing fan would have a good laugh seeing that on the front page of a "bills backing" website. Like I said previously, show me Peyton Manning's game losing interceptions on the front page of a Colts site. Too much class, and too much pride for that sort of thing. Poor taste in my book whether you agree or not. That's what makes America great!

Well.... some of us take a little longer to retain information than others. :pirate: Don't worry I have faith you'll get it sooner or later.


I agree... we'll agree to disagree. And that is what makes America and this board great. But in the end as long as we're all Bills fans and civil... it's all good.

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It didnt hit me sunday. Not even monday. Not even tuesday. But Wednesday morning i was PISSED!!!!!


I still like Stevie. I was more upset from missing all the GREAT MEDIA ATTENTION we missed by beating the steelers. We got attention. THE WRONG KIND. we got the "it happened to them again" kind. Screw that kind!!! just venting guys...


anyway if anyone feels sad and messed up like me, join me.

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I got over it super quick. It just didn't matter. Pittsburgh got the message, the Bills aren't a pushover anymore. Hopefully Stevie learned a big lesson and ultimately there's a little bit of consolation in the fact that it helped our draft position. I'd much rather have won the game, but it's not as bad as some of the crap we've put up with this decade.

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I got over it super quick. It just didn't matter. Pittsburgh got the message, the Bills aren't a pushover anymore. Hopefully Stevie learned a big lesson and ultimately there's a little bit of consolation in the fact that it helped our draft position. I'd much rather have won the game, but it's not as bad as some of the crap we've put up with this decade.

exactly.....It's a drag that we didnt win on the scoreboard. But we sure put the fear of god into those black and gold douchebags. :)

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Was over it by Monday afternoon.


But I'm watching the game right now on the NFL network's "NFL Replay" (didn't see it on Sunday), and in the 4th qtr, on the Polomalu (sp?) interception, that was about as clear a case of pass interference (against Stevie) as I've ever seen. The guy was all over him, with the hand clearly on the back affecting SJ.


Am I surprised it wasn't called? No, of course not. lol


Holding & Interference calls in the NFL are a joke, and ALWAYS inconsistent.

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It didnt hit me sunday. Not even monday. Not even tuesday. But Wednesday morning i was PISSED!!!!!


I still like Stevie. I was more upset from missing all the GREAT MEDIA ATTENTION we missed by beating the steelers. We got attention. THE WRONG KIND. we got the "it happened to them again" kind. Screw that kind!!! just venting guys...


anyway if anyone feels sad and messed up like me, join me.

Its a freaking game dude. Seek professional help.

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