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Can We All Agree Not to Throw the Bills Under The Bus....

Mr. T

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If they lose, even get blown out, by the Steelers this weekend. A lot of positive vibes going on around here this week. People are realizing that the Bills are heading in the right direction. Playing their hearts out, never quiting, a lot of promising young players, a gritty QB, a coach who seems to have a long range plan.


But, I've been to this forum long enough to know that all it takes is a blow out this weekend at the hands of the Steelers to change all this. Just try to keep the obvious in mind. The Steelers are a top level team, very good QB, great D, playing at home, need to win. The Bills are SUPPOSED to lose. We all hope they can pull off the UPSET, but if they don't, IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.


Just keep a proper perspective and enjoy the game.




I think you just want the team to look competitive. If they loose 21-31 due to a late TD sealing their fate but were in it pretty much all the way you won't come away feeling too bad. But if the offense can't move the ball and the team just looks like they don't don't belong the optimism might be quelled a bit.


Just hope for them to play hard move the ball and look competitive this team is flawed so a loss isn't going to squash the optimism its all about how they look/play.

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If they lose, even get blown out, by the Steelers this weekend. A lot of positive vibes going on around here this week. People are realizing that the Bills are heading in the right direction. Playing their hearts out, never quiting, a lot of promising young players, a gritty QB, a coach who seems to have a long range plan.


But, I've been to this forum long enough to know that all it takes is a blow out this weekend at the hands of the Steelers to change all this. Just try to keep the obvious in mind. The Steelers are a top level team, very good QB, great D, playing at home, need to win. The Bills are SUPPOSED to lose. We all hope they can pull off the UPSET, but if they don't, IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.


Just keep a proper perspective and enjoy the game.



Amen !!!!! GO BILLS !!!!!

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Do you really need to apologize for Fitzpatrick before the game is even played?


Is that how much confidence you guys have in him?


The Patriots offense SHREDDED the Steelers.


Your posts keep getting dumber. I didn't think that was possible.

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No need to innoculate the board on this. Only trolls would say the Bills are not steadily improving. I expect they will play their hearts out on Sunday and if they come up short, it will be because the talent difference in the teams and not because of coaching, heart or mental mistakes. This team needs improvement in talent, but it's got what the Vikes, Cowboys and others don't have. They are team and play for each other. You gotta love watching that.

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Overall I agree with your post, but the game is at the Ralph this Sunday, and I don't see the Bills getting blown out. I think it will be a close game.


With Pittsburgh's defense and a very capable QB, it could be a big loss. my expectations for this game aren't very high, but it could be a measure of where this team stands. They've tasted some success of late and whether they are ready to continue to build on that or not will soon be known.


Offensively, Fitz must play at a very high level for the Bills to be able to effectively move the ball. Our O-line will face a much bigger test than they've been given to date. Chan will need to come up with an effective game plan.


Our lack of a pas rush and continued problems with stopping the run (albeit the Bills have been better of late) could make for a long afternoon.


Again, it will be a big test....

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