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Peyton Manning mastercard commercial


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Guest inferiority complex
I absolutely HATE that commercial.  Basically makes fun of the sad little lives of over-the-top football player-worshippers.


How many millions does PM make, and he has to do this?  If I was him, I'd put an extra lock on my door after making this commercial.



hi. i think im living inside of you.

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I absolutely HATE that commercial.  Basically makes fun of the sad little lives of over-the-top football player-worshippers.


How many millions does PM make, and he has to do this?  If I was him, I'd put an extra lock on my door after making this commercial.


The irony in that post is AWESOME.

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Guest Guest_Goo_*
I absolutely HATE that commercial.  Basically makes fun of the sad little lives of over-the-top football player-worshippers.


How many millions does PM make, and he has to do this?  If I was him, I'd put an extra lock on my door after making this commercial.




No it doesn't, you tool. It's to show that he's a fan of the fans. If you read into it that much then I feel bad for you.

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I absolutely HATE that commercial.  Basically makes fun of the sad little lives of over-the-top football player-worshippers.


How many millions does PM make, and he has to do this?  If I was him, I'd put an extra lock on my door after making this commercial.




So, when we win the Super Bowl, and London Flethcher says "we would especially like to thank the fans" is he really just mocking us? Like "Haha, I just got a hue bonus for winning this game, a ring that you can't put a price on, and you paid to watch the whole time? SUCKERS!"


That commercial is saying "thanks guys - even though you may not think so, we KNOW you are out their tailgating at all hours of the morning, and we know you think about us even when you are walking into work. We also know you come from fields of white collars to gas pumpers."


I saw it as Peyton saying thanks. ( on top of making some money on his fame without having to kill 2 people, or beat up his wife).

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I liked the old Directv commercial the best. Manning was offended when the installation guy told him about Sunday Ticket. "Hey, I like fine arts, gardening".

"So do you want the ticket?"



Funny stuff - although I'm not sure why he would want the ticket, being kind of busy on Sundays.

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come on that is a funny ad.


IT's their jobs everyday to go to the stadium and that is what is yelled at them. Sure it make light of the fans but I cheer them on anyway. Why? Because it's fun. SO cut that meat.

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