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It's quite simple: Beat the Jets . . .

Dr. K

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. . . and the sun will shine and bluebirds will sing over Western New York.


It could happen.


The reaction?


National media commentators will go into long discursions about "what's wrong with the Jets?" Jerry Sullivan will grind his teeth and mutter about how this doesn't erase all the terrible decisions Gailey and Nix have made. A host of the regulars on this board (you know who they are) will insist the Bills should cut Maybin and trade Lynch.


But some of us will have a spring in our step and a smile for the barista at Starbuck's.

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I really just want Rex Ryan to lose I hate that guy. He thinks his team is super bowl bound. If we beat the jets I think we can make him second guess himself. I really would love to see Rex Ryan trying to explain why they lost to the mediocre Bills. I hope the media tear him apart.

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What if we beat the Jets and then the Jags?


I for one would be very happy since I am making my first trek back to Buffalo in a while for the Jags game with my 14 yr old son. He has grown up in Pats* territory, but is a true Bills fan.


I am hedging my bets on seeing a winning team by also going to the Sabres home opener on Saturday night. :)

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hey...it could happen. And we could beat the jags. getting to the bye week 2-3 would be a very very good way for the season to pick up some momentum. Fitz and the offense will have the momentum, our O-line had better put on their game face (and be helped with a blocking back on most plays) but our defense is going to have to take itself out and give itself a talking to if we are going to beat the jets.

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