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Buffalo Bills Name Origins

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So we all probably know the name "Bills" was influenced by the legendary Wild West figure, Buffalo Bill Cody.


But the team logo and mascot is not a frontiersman or cowboy, but instead an actual Buffalo.


The strange part is, Buffalo Bill Cody got his name not for being friendly with buffalo, or doing cool circus tricks with them, but rather for KILLING buffalo.


In fact, he once killed more then 4,000 buffalo in just eight months!


So are we supposed to honor and cherish the buffalo, or kill the buffalo for its meat and fur?

Edited by Benjamin Barker
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I am telling you now, if I ever raise enough money to buy the team I will change their names to Soldiers, for several reasons,

1-to honor the Soldiers,

2-I wouldn't have to change the Buffalo Colors- Red, white and Blue


Just to hear this song.

I am hoping that most people never read into what the song actually means.

Like most Bob Marley songs, it is catchy but when you read his words He talks about some rather serious feelings.



I don't want to be the wings...no one suggest that please

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Most popular accounts hold that the name "Buffalo" is a corruption of the French phrase beau fleuve, "beautiful river," a phrase said to have been exclaimed by French explorers upon seeing the Niagara River. This speculation, however, is contradicted by primary sources. French explorers actually referred to the Niagara River in print as Rivière aux Chevaux, "River of Horses."[20] The earliest name origin theory to appear in print (1825) relates a story about stolen horsemeat being passed off as bison flesh, with the site of the illicit picnic henceforth remembered as "Buffalo," but the author who conveyed this tale expressed his skepticism.[21] What is clear is that there were no bison in the area; that the settlement of Buffalo took its name from Buffalo Creek;[22] and that Buffalo Creek first appeared on a map in 1759–1760.[23] Although the Beau Fleuve theory is the most appealing but least plausible theory among many, it is unlikely that Buffalo's true name origin can be conclusively established.



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The team was not named for the cowboy. It was chosen by a public contest, where they chose the same name as another team that existed. The first NFL team was actually named the Niagaras, later renamed the All-Americans.


Now stop trolling our forum.


The Niagaras never played in the NFL.

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