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Miami Player loses $50k earing...


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First off, must you wear your "bling" to practice or even in a game? I remember in High School we were not allowed to wear anything at all! This guy is wearing an earing to practice that is worth more than many households annual income. What a d-bag and I am glad he lost it. I just can't resist the LOLz.





Yeah... that may not have been football.


I totally laughed when I heard about the earring. Stupid Miami player. With your money. And fancy earri-wait nevermind that last part.

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First off, must you wear your "bling" to practice or even in a game? I remember in High School we were not allowed to wear anything at all! This guy is wearing an earing to practice that is worth more than many households annual income. What a d-bag and I am glad he lost it. I just can't resist the LOLz.


Man, you have a low bar for d-bag-hood. What words do you save for people who rob banks or kick puppies or stuff?


If I were him, I'd be making reeeeeeeal nice to all the grounds keepers, dropping the big hint that Xmas would come early to anyone who found the thing and gave it back.

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