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Bass pro told to s**t or get off the pot.

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There's one up the road from me. They are on the end of a failed mall (My wife calls it the Bass end of the mall). They do well. I don't think that folks are flying in just to shop there, but they certainly draw from our tri-state (IN-OH-KY) area.



That's really the most you can expect, I think. Back when it was initially being planned, I think it was reasonable to expect some traffic from central and southern NYS and southwestern PA and maybe Ohio as well as some Ontario action. But then the plan was to make it bigger (I think) and there weren't so many of them around.



They managed to whack off most of the competition


I expect the competition was appreciative of the happy ending.



I said it before and I'll say it again. I'll believe Bass Pro opens in Buffalo after it happens.

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So, just a tad smarter than Jimmy Griffin?


I didn't live here during the Griffin era, so I don't have much to go on.


Here is the story of my encounter the other day:


Some co-workers and I were eating downtown at Morrisey's and about five minutes after we were seated, Chris Collins comes in with some local businessmen (assumption) and is seated right next to us. A minute or two later, Brown comes in with his driver and sits at the table.


Collins is basically holding court with these other two guys, talking about funding, opportunities, tax break, etc. Couldn't quite hear all of the details, but you could easily surmise that Collins is a very bright guy who was on top of his game. Really seemed to know the in's and out's of his job.


Contrast that with Brown, who literally sat there staring at the ceiling with his finger in his ear. Not figuratively - but literally. He seemed completely disconnected from what was going on. At one point Collins tried to engage Brown and asked about some location where these two business reps could presumably set up shop. This was browns response (assume the dots represent his usual slow pace of speaking):


"Isn't... that... the place... next... to that building...... with... the sign?"


It was simply embarrassing that this guy is the mayor of the 2nd largest city in NYS.

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I actually overheard him speaking the other day while out eating lunch. The guy is weapons-grade stupid.


Personally, I don't care what retail outlets go into canalside. But if a store needs 35 million of public money to get off the ground, maybe it isn't such a great idea.

Oh, don't worry, Bass Pro doesn't NEED the $35 million, they just want it to build

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