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The team had some horrible outings last year, but I maintain that a lot of that junk was due to poor coaching and poor leadership....when it came down to conditioning, we were a joke. 20 guys in the IR two years in a row? It seems like we were missing half the starters!!


And the game planning.....no huddle? with this group of ragamuffins? That was the dumbest idea Jauron ever had. He fired the OC a week before the season, and threw Van Pelt into the fray with zero experience.


TO had a game without a catch for the first time in his life!! How can you not get the ball to T.O.?


That whole season was a joke. I am surprised they won 6 games.


All said, I think it's absurd to rank them second worst in the league. But that's my opinion, and despite all the doom and gloom, I am optimistic about this year. And I think they should take the season one game at a time. Get ready for Miami, and that's it. Don't look beyond game one. If they are 1-0, they will be at the top of the league.

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(1) I don't know how any Bills fans can be content and satisfied with our current QB situation. I almost fell out of my chair when I read that statement. I dare to say the Bills may have the worst QB roster in the NFL and that's a big reason why were ranked so low..


(2) Getting rid of TO doesn't equal making this team better. In fact, I think the contrary. TO can be a jerk but last season by most every ones account he was well behaved. Sometimes, the effort may have been lacking but that still doesn't equate to his absence making the team better. Plus, he was a positive influence to Hardy(even Hardy is on the record saying that) and the young receivers . Another year of a positive TO could have done wonders to our young WR core. Don't you think? His work ethic (training camp) is second to none. Lastly, the guy can catches TD's which the Bills have trouble producing. Absolutely, an absurd statement IMO.


(3) Statement is 100% true. I get the sense that you have really downplayed this. To me it feels like your making a causal statement like it is no big deal. Needless to say, the 3-4 switch will be difficult. It wouldn't surprise me if initially our defense gets slightly worse before getting better due to all the adjustments and learning curve. Matter of fact, statistics bear this out. Why would the Bills be any different?


(4) Simply put OLB is one of the teams bigger needs.


(5) "Things can only get better." Says who? I don't see it that way...Things can get worse before they get better. There is no sure thing and there are no facts to substantiate that "blanket" statement."


(6) I happen to think Jason Campbell is a better QB than anyone on our roster. He might not be great but I would take him over any of our guys in a heart beat. One can make plenty of excuses for JC as you do for Trent Edwards. I will spare everyone the details with the exception of how offensive coordinators has he had. Also, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the Raiders have a better record than the Bills. They upgraded their QB, had an excellent draft, solid defense, and play in the worst division in the NFL (unlike us). Oh almost forget get rid of their crappy RT named Green (does that name sound familiar?).


Well, there is my honest and candid reply back. Looking forward to yours and others professional feedback.


Let me preempt this reply with the fact that these are my opinions, open for logical debate and discussion, which is why i am here at all.


With that said, I'll reply to your comments as numbered:


1. I never said i was content, I said there's no reason to be concerned, even a top QB talent would only be serviceable in a completely new offensive scheme, and until all outside excuses for Trent's poor play have been removed, and Brian Brohm shows whether or not he is good, it would be a complete waste of time to attempt to develop someone else, not to mention not put the team any further ahead. - Falling out of your chair? Really? Are you drunk, or just an attention starved drama queen?


2. Yes it does, his play was poor, route running and lack of overall effort took playing time away from young draft picks, and put their development 1 year behind already. Your silly little insult about my opinion, while noted just makes you look like an idiot. Nevermind the fact you would trade playing experience for Hardy for the lousy effort of a fading 37 year old just so he could chat with TO. - try harder to actually come up with a reply without an insult, and a good counterpoint, and maybe people around here might take you seriously.


3. This one was a well thought out reply, my answer to this is simple, again, in my opinion, the learning curve with the current talent in this team will perform better than a very poorly run, out-dated, and ill-fitted tampa2 defense that looked so bad last year, that i was always shocked anyone even attempted a pass. Rex Ryan was a complete sh t head for not doing just that.


4. Based on what? You haven't seen anyone currently on this roster play the position, so you have nothing to go on. I am going to wait to see if I agree with you in January.


5. Says me. It's my opinion that this team, like many others will play better in the 2nd half of the season, once that have time to play the new defensive system, barring they won't be decimated by injuries. Simple research and personal experience on playing on the college level supports my belief in both football, and Rugby. Your statement is one of complete pessimism supported by nothing.


6. Jason Campbell blows. Fact. The Raiders are in such disarray, you have nothing to support your claim, other than an excellent draft, which, again is an unknown.


I found reading your comments and your contrived points and insults a bit boring this time, you really don't do a very good job of making any solid counterpoints, and come off as snarky, which I replied back in kind. I don't think you need to be banned or blocked, I just think you should grow up. Being a pessimistic smart@ss in a chat forum is about as cool as a tan members only jacket, and based upon the amount of people around here who could care less what you say, I would say it's not working for you. And quit with the "i Don't care what people think" because if you didn't, you wouldn't be here, that my friend is absolute, and irrefutable. The people who don't care are not on forums.


I'm not saying you need to eat sunshine and crap rainbows, try not insulting people for a change, and realize that neither the extremely optimistic, nor the extremely pessimistic posters have any more insight on the outcome of the season, and your trend of someone writing anything close to positive, or even neutral speculation draws your poorly supported pessimistic views time and time again saying the same things is beyond old.

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19 and 0 baby!!! :nana:





PosLUSZny!!!!! :rolleyes:

hell yeah!!! how the hell can we be 31 when we drafted 9???


19-0 bandwagon baby!!!!


teams with high expecations fail too. are they taking that fact in consideration??? we may suck. but 2nd to last... i dont think so. at least i hope not.

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You have to be kidding right? Most of the experts do know the teams. Thats what they get paid to do. They had 24 hours a day to study teams. Fans wouldn't tolerate totally incompetent analyst. Don't get me wrong the experts are often wrong but it's not becuase they didn't do there due diligence. It because of other reasons like injuries, surprise players or lack of, etc


With all due respect, I cannot agree with your post.


So you think Marshall Faulk really knows our team? You think he's studying them with "due diligence" giving him total credence to criticize? You can't be that naive.

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So you think Marshall Faulk really knows our team? You think he's studying them with "due diligence" giving him total credence to criticize? You can't be that naive.



I don't think he NEEDS to. This team is a big fail when it comes to the eyeball test since 19 hundred and 99.

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K Gun, I had a long detailed facts driven response with an attitude attached to it. I decided to delete that response and write this one instead. I suspect the latter message would have lead to nasty personal banter which I am trying to avoid.


I am going to keep it clean and just disagree with your original post as well as your response back.


I don't have anything nice to say about your ending narrative. As a result, I am going to "man up" and say nothing.


"Don't take my kindness as a form of weakness."

you should have done your other one weakling.


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So you think Marshall Faulk really knows our team? You think he's studying them with "due diligence" giving him total credence to criticize? You can't be that naive.


It goes w/o saying some experts are more credible than others. IMO, Mr Faulk is on or near the bottom of the list. I am sure that's why you singled him out. Nice try... Your argument doesn't "hold weight." You have to take into account many many experts opinions. Then you will be able to learn the "general theme" of the experts. I have done this and the general consensus is the Bills are going to be a weak team based on their OL, WR, QB, new regime changes, and new defensive scheme. Now, it remains to be seen if they are correct. Nothing is written in stone and there is always a team or two who surprises everyone. Hopefully, it is the Bills. With that said, I still think it is fullish to just dismiss what the experts are saying. There is merit to what they say...

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Let me preempt this reply with the fact that these are my opinions, open for logical debate and discussion, which is why i am here at all.


With that said, I'll reply to your comments as numbered:


1. I never said i was content, I said there's no reason to be concerned, even a top QB talent would only be serviceable in a completely new offensive scheme, and until all outside excuses for Trent's poor play have been removed, and Brian Brohm shows whether or not he is good, it would be a complete waste of time to attempt to develop someone else, not to mention not put the team any further ahead. - Falling out of your chair? Really? Are you drunk, or just an attention starved drama queen?


2. Yes it does, his play was poor, route running and lack of overall effort took playing time away from young draft picks, and put their development 1 year behind already. Your silly little insult about my opinion, while noted just makes you look like an idiot. Nevermind the fact you would trade playing experience for Hardy for the lousy effort of a fading 37 year old just so he could chat with TO. - try harder to actually come up with a reply without an insult, and a good counterpoint, and maybe people around here might take you seriously.


3. This one was a well thought out reply, my answer to this is simple, again, in my opinion, the learning curve with the current talent in this team will perform better than a very poorly run, out-dated, and ill-fitted tampa2 defense that looked so bad last year, that i was always shocked anyone even attempted a pass. Rex Ryan was a complete sh t head for not doing just that.


4. Based on what? You haven't seen anyone currently on this roster play the position, so you have nothing to go on. I am going to wait to see if I agree with you in January.


5. Says me. It's my opinion that this team, like many others will play better in the 2nd half of the season, once that have time to play the new defensive system, barring they won't be decimated by injuries. Simple research and personal experience on playing on the college level supports my belief in both football, and Rugby. Your statement is one of complete pessimism supported by nothing.


6. Jason Campbell blows. Fact. The Raiders are in such disarray, you have nothing to support your claim, other than an excellent draft, which, again is an unknown.


I found reading your comments and your contrived points and insults a bit boring this time, you really don't do a very good job of making any solid counterpoints, and come off as snarky, which I replied back in kind. I don't think you need to be banned or blocked, I just think you should grow up. Being a pessimistic smart@ss in a chat forum is about as cool as a tan members only jacket, and based upon the amount of people around here who could care less what you say, I would say it's not working for you. And quit with the "i Don't care what people think" because if you didn't, you wouldn't be here, that my friend is absolute, and irrefutable. The people who don't care are not on forums.


I'm not saying you need to eat sunshine and crap rainbows, try not insulting people for a change, and realize that neither the extremely optimistic, nor the extremely pessimistic posters have any more insight on the outcome of the season, and your trend of someone writing anything close to positive, or even neutral speculation draws your poorly supported pessimistic views time and time again saying the same things is beyond old.


Let the fun begin.


(1) Have you even read what you have written. I had to read it about ten times and I still can't believe it. This time I did fail off the chair. Don't worry I'm not hurt. Thanks for asking though. So following this train of thought. Would you have drafted Bradford if he was available at pick 9. Answer no because of what you stated above. Also, I guess your saying this year it doesn't matter who our QB is right? I can't agree with that either. Oh by the way will the system still be new next year. If it is forget about drafting a QB next year too. Flat out no exceptions there is reason to be concerned about our QB situation!


(2) How can you sit here and say that we are a better team without TO? Have you looked at our WR roster? I suppose you think Johnson, Hardly, and Easley are better...He had 830 yards receiving and 5 TDs. I doubt any of those guys will come close to those numbers. How is that for facts! Also, don't down play his effectiveness with the young guys in practice, OTA's and training camp. He did help and could have continued to help our young wide outs who "weren't ready to see much playing time." That is where your statement falls apart. Lastly, he commanded attention and respect from opposing defenses. It was no mistake that "Revis" checked him 2xs. His presence opened up the field for the other receivers because at any moment he could had made a big play. Problem was the OL and QB not TO. Granted he lost interest and his play and effort suffered. To say we are a better team w/o TO is utterly irresponsible.


(3)(4) Look at my potential LB roster. Kelsay, Torbor, Davis, Moates, Poz, Mitchell, Harris, Batten, Maybin, and Colemen. It will look something like that with Maybin and Kelsay at outside LB. I don't know about you but this core doesn't exactly wow me. Much more questions than answers and a new system to boot. Piss poor statement to say hey we looked so bad last year how can we be any worse....That is what you said right? Read it. I don't settle for mediocracy. Once again, you are minimizing the difficulty of the switch and they will be plenty of miscues.


(5) You stated that (referring to our run D )"that things can only get better." You go on the attack and ask based on what? My "friend" you made the statement that things can only get better. Those are your words. I don't have to prove anything. The burden of proof is on you. My statement is 100% accurate. Things can get worse! Whether they do remains to be seen. Don't use "blankets opinion statement as if they are facts. You stand corrected.


(6) Jason Campbell "blows" and "truly sucks." All I have to do is look at last years performance. Did you see him light up the Saints on national TV? Yes, the super bowl Saints in case you didn't know. He put up 360 plus yards and 3 TD's. Also, 340 yards vs the Lions but nevertheless its 300 plus yards. Additionally, he put up big numbers against San Diego and Philly (280 plus yards) who happen to be playoff teams. Lastly he threw for 20 TD's. He did all this with a shi t coach, a shi t OL, and a shi t WR's. I am not going to tell you he is this great franchise QB. I am not that naive. However, I am not naive to say that the guy "totally blows" and "sucks." Clearly, the above mentioned facts vindicate him out of your characterization.


As for your fantastic ending narrative...Go blow smoke up someone else's as s.


How do you like my drama filled response?

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It goes w/o saying some experts are more credible than others. IMO, Mr Faulk is on or near the bottom of the list. I am sure that's why you singled him out. Nice try... Your argument doesn't "hold weight." You have to take into account many many experts opinions. Then you will be able to learn the "general theme" of the experts. I have done this and the general consensus is the Bills are going to be a weak team based on their OL, WR, QB, new regime changes, and new defensive scheme. Now, it remains to be seen if they are correct. Nothing is written in stone and there is always a team or two who surprises everyone. Hopefully, it is the Bills. With that said, I still think it is fullish to just dismiss what the experts are saying. There is merit to what they say...


Wow now you go off on another tangent. You must have ADD. Go back to my original post you ding a ling.


"These experts really don't know the teams. They think of two things, Head Coach and QB when they sit around their proverbial round table. From a far I can completely understand their view. I don't agree, but I do. Heck my neighbor the other day is from Dallas and he said "hey didn't the Bills strike out on getting any of those good coaches".


The perception is that we failed to get a top coach and settled for Chan Gailey. The casual observer see's Gailey as someone they've heard of, but isn't very good. And everyone knows we didn't sign or draft a QB.


That's why our optimism (for those who are) is our little secret. They don't see the attitude of this team evolving into something that the fans are getting on board with. For the outsiders we just have to win. Show them the baby if you will."


Does this sound to you like I don't understand the consensus? You get so caught up in being argumentative, you forget what you're arguing about. Now I understand why so many have put you on ignore. I'm close. You're such a simpleton.

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I don't think he NEEDS to. This team is a big fail when it comes to the eyeball test since 19 hundred and 99.



You've made my point. From an eyeball test I can completely understand the criticism, that's exactly what I'm saying. But for an optimistic fan like myself who likes what he's seeing out of the new regime, the national media doesn't know the team well enough to even sense the change. That's why I said we are going to have to win for them to change their view of us. They don't follow our team that closely.

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How do you like my drama filled response?


Didn't read it, you are a complete moron, and am no longer going to waste my time discussing things with you, you don't know enough about football to take anything you say seriously. There isn't one post where you haven't insulted someone with your mindless drivel, and your lame insulting remarks. You have earned every bashing comment i have read on here from others on this board, and I have come to the conclusion that unless someone posts something negative about the Bills, you are going to jump all over it.


Waah, Waah, Waah, the bills are going to suck, trent blows, we don't have a left tackle, the defense is crap...Have I summed up almost every one of your posts? yep.... ohh wait T.O. is great and the Bills are stupid for releasing him. There, now i have it all.


All you need to do from now on is highlight this sentence and post it as your reply to everyone else on here. You can add your 3rd grade reading level snarky remarks at the end, I don't want to help you out there, you do a good job all by your little self in making yourself look stupid.


It's time to hang up your Members Only jacket, put down the Hot Pockets, get out of your Mommy's basement, and get a clue. Man, I feel sorry for anyone related to you.

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The source I'm about to use is going to be flamed as an idiot, and I can't argue with that, but citing a bad source doesn't mean the point is wrong. It just means I didn't think of it myself.


I often eat lunch in my car, spending the hour flipping between Jim Rome and Colin Cowherd to fill the silence. Cowherd frequently rants about the idea that national sports analysts only have to follow the teams that are popularly covered on national broadcasts. In baseball they need to know the Yankees, Red Sox, and a few more teams. In basketball its the Lakers, Celtics, Cavaliers, etc. In the NFL, its the Cowboys, Giants, Patriots, Colts, etc. They prepare to talk about these teams for 75% of their total sports coverage. They don't equally prepare to talk about the rest of the teams that don't produce national headline stories.


I don't personally know every analyst that was polled for this ranking, but I'd be surprised if they all defied this theory.


There are regional sportswriters and analysts who cover the rest of the teams in more detail, but it is not the norm for an analyst to spends an equal amount of time looking at all 32 NFL teams. If they did, it would be very tough to have a better grasp of a low-media team than a well-studied fan of that team. There's only so much time in the day.


If you need an example of this, take a look at the piss poor article on FoxNews that claims that Chad Jackson (former Patriot) is the front runner for the Bills' number two receiver spot. That's funny, he isn't getting the majority of the snaps... In fact he is probably 3rd or 4th in line for that job at this point. But he is a former Patriot so he MUST be the front runner...

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I feel ashamed, like watching a child get spanked. Thanks K-Gun, you made my morning. And Jason Campbell sucks it long and hard. FACT



Yes, when a guy like Mike Shannahan, known for his ability to manage offensive talent is quick to dispose of him, and replace him with an aging "never won it all" guy like McNabb, that's saying something. And Mcnabb should have enough in the tank to prove to be a major upgrade over Campbell. That's one of the offseason moves i plan on watching closely this year, along with the Pete Carroll disaster that's just waiting to implode out in Seattle.... poor Matt Hasselbeck...

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I agree with posters that


1. These guys don't know a thing about teams like the Bills and parrot other commentators.


2. This roster is shaky and it's not so unreasonable to think we're headed for a top 5 pick.


Rip ESPN all you want. They deserve it. But don't think they're ignorance means our squad is looking good for 2010.

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I agree with posters that


1. These guys don't know a thing about teams like the Bills and parrot other commentators.


2. This roster is shaky and it's not so unreasonable to think we're headed for a top 5 pick.


Rip ESPN all you want. They deserve it. But don't think they're ignorance means our squad is looking good for 2010.


I agree with you for the most part Gabe. I don't think the level headed Bills fan thinks we are looking good for 2010, but rather that things are looking like they are headed in the right direction, based on the decisions the front office and coaching staff have made thus far. As you know for us that is a major upgrade, we haven't been confident in our FO and coaching staff in quite some time.

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I agree with you for the most part Gabe. I don't think the level headed Bills fan thinks we are looking good for 2010, but rather that things are looking like they are headed in the right direction, based on the decisions the front office and coaching staff have made thus far. As you know for us that is a major upgrade, we haven't been confident in our FO and coaching staff in quite some time.


Very good post and I agree with what you have said. Very realistic viewpoint.

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Wow now you go off on another tangent. You must have ADD. Go back to my original post you ding a ling.


"These experts really don't know the teams. They think of two things, Head Coach and QB when they sit around their proverbial round table. From a far I can completely understand their view. I don't agree, but I do. Heck my neighbor the other day is from Dallas and he said "hey didn't the Bills strike out on getting any of those good coaches".

The perception is that we failed to get a top coach and settled for Chan Gailey. The casual observer see's Gailey as someone they've heard of, but isn't very good. And everyone knows we didn't sign or draft a QB.


That's why our optimism (for those who are) is our little secret. They don't see the attitude of this team evolving into something that the fans are getting on board with. For the outsiders we just have to win. Show them the baby if you will."


Does this sound to you like I don't understand the consensus? You get so caught up in being argumentative, you forget what you're arguing about. Now I understand why so many have put you on ignore. I'm close. You're such a simpleton.


That simply isn't true. The experts do know they teams some more than others but they all possess knowledge of each and every team. What they don't know is the outcome of how each team is going to perform.

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that is exactly what I thought. A personal attack instead of defending your position. YOU LOOSE!



Just when I can't possibly think you can get any dumber, you go right ahead and prove me wrong.


LOOSE = Not Tight


LOSE = Not Win


LOST = Not Won


I guess you haven't put down the hot pockets yet..... Man you're just making this too easy. Please, before it gets any worse for you, you might want to consider closing this account and re-registering with a new user-name, I don't think anyone can honestly read another post from you without bursting into uncontrollable laughter.


Recent and most popular terminology would refer to you as "Epic Fail"


As for debating my opinions with you, I would have if you had attempted to make a valid point without the infantile remarks.


My last bit of advice to you :


Read this, you obviously need it.



Reading....from left to right, top to bottom, words together forming sentences, sentences forming paragraphs. Take Advil for any headaches you might develop, Midol for your cramps, and Massingil to flush the sand you seem to have in your.....

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