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Death by firing squad


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Your second-last sentence plays a large part in all this IMO. You've all heard the expression "running around like a chicken with its head cut off", well early in my career I got to witness this phenominon with rodents. While the bodies of these headless animals thrashed about and a couple actually looked like they were jumping around when set on a flat surface, all of this seemed to be a simple random and complete firing of stored nervous action potentials (impulses). It always seemed that once the brain was separated this happened almost immediately. I suspect something similar happens with the head involving jaw and eye muscles, but who knows. It would be interesting (though an inhumane experiment) to do EEG monitoring of decapitated heads and see if the electrograms are organized enough to be considered brain wave patterns or if they are just random firings.


Never seen any data on that but it would certainly help answer this question. I suspect it's random firings in the decapitated head but who knows?


My guess, too.


Actually, lime jello has been known to register brainwaves:



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I'm not a supporter of the death penalty,but if we're gonna have it,I have no problem with carrying it out in this way. It's quick,cheap and no more painful than any other method currently in use. M

I agree. I don't support the death penalty either but have no problem with the firing squad. Like my buddy says, shoot them and bill the family a few dollars for the bullet

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There's more to it than just "how damaged is the heart", though. People with aortic aneurysms die immediately (or close enough that the difference is indistinguishable). The difference is usually stress and adrenaline - I've heard of the effect you mention in animals, when the first shot isn't clean and their adreneline's WAY the hell up. I'd have to believe that roughly the same effect would be seen in an execution victim; it's not exactly a low-stress moment.





I did. I regret it. I wouldn't willingly watch anything like that again.

True point- animals that are shot unawares though the heart just seem to lie down and go to sleep. The ones that run with no heart have been "nicked" and are aware that their lives are in danger.

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