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Marv's Interview

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Best QB Today: Peyton Manning (not close, though likes Brady).

Best TE we ever faced: Ben Coates

Most Memorable Game: The Comeback. Shofner reminded him at halftime it wouldn't be the greatest comeback because we were only down 25. Said Frank Reich came off the field and said "Now it'll be the greatest comeback ever. That's why I threw the pick."


Thinks coaches today make it far too complicated and need to simplify and work on execution. I'll bet that means he really liked Teddy Cotrell's "D" when he was here. Me too, Marv. Me too.


Thinks Bledsoe can still get it done. Thinks he needs a better TE option than he currently has available.


Thinks Willis is the real deal. Thinks the current coaching staff is excellent and that Mouse is the best position coach in the NFL.


Loved Buffalo (duh). Loves Ralph, who apparently has been wooed a number of times by other cities but never seriously considered it.


Rome thinks Buffalo is the best football town in the NFL.


Wants to coach again.


Lotsa fluff but Marv is still awesome.

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"Thinks coaches today make it far too complicated and need to simplify and work on execution. "


Amen and amen.


I agree that we still need and don't have that #1 TE. We have a bunch of 2nd tier TE's on this roster. We need a difference maker at TE.

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I should have waited to post, as things are now flooding back into my head.


Said the No Huddle decision was made after Kelly led them to three consecutive TDs at the end of a game. As they were going off the field, Teddy M asked him "what do you think about using that as an offense?" Marv was all for it at the time, so they implemented it over the offseason.


Said the biggest benefit was the tempo both in practice and in games. They got off the field faster and were fresher at the end of games. Better focus on offense. Said unlike today, all Kelly had to do was look at the sidelines and point to Teddy M to get a play if he was at a loss. Would NEVER put a chart on a wristband.

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Thinks Bledsoe can still get it done.  Thinks he needs a better TE option than he currently has available.




I've kind of suspected this. If you go back and look at his historical numbers, his production tends to go hand-in-hand with Coates' production.


Problem with that simple analysis is: were Coates' good years the result of Bledsoe being effective, or were Bledsoe's good years the result of Coates being effective? Never could find a way to distinguish between the two interpretations of the data...

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