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If the Bills had drafted Brian Brohm....

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So it's foolish to expect that maybe he's improved since Flynn whupped him for the job? So if a guy doesn't blow up big time the first chance he gets, he's never going to be any good?



BTW, saying Brohm "failed miserably" might be just a skootch over doing it. And for the record, the Packers "immensely better front office" did try to keep him but he turned them down believing he had a better chance to become the starter with the Bills.


Here's my suggestion to one and all: let's wait to see what happens when these guys actually get out on the field under Gailey then see how each works out.


Bravo, great comments. I think we lucked out in getting Brohm. If Greenbay decided to keep three quarterbacks on the roster like just about every other team he would not be a Bill today. I don't care who you are, playing quarterback in the NFL out of college is tough. You have a lot to learn and experience. I am excited we have him on the Bills and feel he has the POTENTIAL to do great things for our team. :lol:

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And for the record, the Packers "immensely better front office" did try to keep him but he turned them down believing he had a better chance to become the starter with the Bills.

How much longer do we have to hear this nonsense? They waived him in September,meaning none of the other 31 teams thought enough of him to offer a 7th rounder, which they would have gladly accepted instead of exposing him for nothing. If they, or the 31 other teams thought anything of him he wouldn't have been waived & then cleared waivers.

Why is it so difficult for you Brohm-heads to realize that they only tried to keep him as in season insurance since they only carried 2 QBs on the 53 man roster & they would have rather had an insurance policy who knew the system that late in the season? If GB wanted him so badly they would have made him a monetary offer he could not have refused.


BTW, if by some miracle he becomes the Bills starter, it will be short lived, because the 2011 starter isn't on this roster & anyone "winning" the 2010 job will be the biggest loser.


Odds are a lot better he gets cut than ends up starting.

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Is it out of the realm of possibility that a high round arrogant and immature QB "finds himself" in another city???

I'm not saying Brohm is the next anybody, but it has happened before.


On THIS team especially, it's worth a look.

Name me just one 1st or 2nd round pick who was given away for nothing by his draft team as an unproven player who ever made it in another city. JUST ONE! When you find him, let me know because I don't think it has ever happened. Sure, high picks have been traded for 1st day picks & made it, but I don't recall any 1st or 2nd rounder ever being given away for no picks who has made it in another city.

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How much longer do we have to hear this nonsense? They waived him in September,meaning none of the other 31 teams thought enough of him to offer a 7th rounder, which they would have gladly accepted instead of exposing him for nothing. If they, or the 31 other teams thought anything of him he wouldn't have been waived & then cleared waivers.

Why is it so difficult for you Brohm-heads to realize that they only tried to keep him as in season insurance since they only carried 2 QBs on the 53 man roster & they would have rather had an insurance policy who knew the system that late in the season? If GB wanted him so badly they would have made him a monetary offer he could not have refused.


BTW, if by some miracle he becomes the Bills starter, it will be short lived, because the 2011 starter isn't on this roster & anyone "winning" the 2010 job will be the biggest loser.


Odds are a lot better he gets cut than ends up starting.



It's crazy that you are trying so hard to hope he fails. How bout we jsut give the guy a shot? Why take such a hard stance on the guy? And if QB was this exact sceince as you think it is, why did the Falcons trade Brett Farve after one year? He was a 2nd round pick.

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----Had we drafted Brohm in 2008 and he didn't work out, then we would be calling for his trade OR would be 'hoping' that in another year or two he would pan out, thus hindering the team from making a move on another Big Name franchise QB for yet another year or two



Naaahh! We should have sold the farm for a 1st round QB that has the same potential to fail or succeed as Brohm or Brown and taken one of the future hall of fame guys that all of the "experts" wanted us to get like Bradford, Clausen or Mccoy. Why do so many fans refuse to accept that there is a huge amount of luck involved in any sport when it comes to player selection and team success? How many other teams have had a lot longer losing season stretches than then Bills? Give the Bills a chance. It's a new season every year for every team.

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Are you aware that Brohm was beaten out by Matt Flynn, a 6th or 7th rd pick? Brohm was an excellent college qb and was taken with a second round pick by the Packers. He failed miserably there. He was on the practice squad when we took him. If he would have demonstrated any potential don't you think the Packers who have an immensely better front office than we do would have kept him? Expecting Brohm to seize the opportunity and become our starting qb is wishful thinking. This anything but Edwards mentality is nothing but foolishness.


The packers matched the Bills offer so they must have wanted him for a reason (maybe AHHH TO DEVELOPE HIM JUST INCASE) , Bromm wanted out because he knew there wasn't much if any chance that he could start there & wanted a change and a chance to start. Well now he's got both .


It use to be when you drafted a future QB prospect he sat for 2 or 3 years behind the starter (Rodgers --Brady) so hopefully the time that he spent on the practice squad will serve as great learning experience and he will get off his butt & do something with his talent !!

And the Bills will reap the benefits of that ,but rather than trying to look at the upside of things lets just be typical Bills fans and run him out because of his past performance some where else & screw giving him a legit chance to lose the job .


If he ain't got it Gailey will know & i think he knows just a touch more about the position then you or any other fan !!!!

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There are alot of great points being made here about Brohms' potential, lack thereof and/or reasoning why he was on the GB practice squad. --Forgive me, I'm jumping around a bit but will address a few thoughts below.


Think about this: In theory, if we drafted a QB in each of last years seven rounds, we would only have only 'ONE starter' this year or we may STILL have a QB controversey with 7+ QB's on the roster. ---Bringing in several QB's, like Brohm with different skill sets, tenure and career paths gives us a broad spectrum of experience, even if the attempts appear to be blind swings at the 'QB pinata'


As of now, we have:


Fitz - Career back up. Can win a few games if needed but not starting material.


TE - Had flashes of decency at the NFL level, but changes in OC's, O-line inconsistancies, Head coaching changes and eventually front office overhaul have left him 'dazed and confused' to say the least (no pun intended)


Brohm - Stellar college career, high draft grade, at one time considered 'the real deal' but ultimately fell out of favor with GB and was outplayed by Matt Flynn, 7th round draft choice of the same year.


Levi Brown - Backup at Richmond, after 2 years transferrd to Troy, a Sunberlt powerhouse but once again was relegated to 2nd and 3rd string duties, until the starting QB got injured and Brown was thrust into the starting role where he Broke numerous Troy and Sunbelt records and performed admirably.


Would we be singing the praises of the Bills organization if we secured 7th round Flynn, instead of Brohm, from Green Bay? ---Flynn IS considered 'better' in the eyes of the GB staff and won the second string duty. ---Probably not. I'm speculating that most fans wouldn't be happy with a 7th rounder as our 'QB solution.' Therefore there would be equal discussion on how we still needed a first round stud like Bradford or Claussen.


Green Bay had already commited the franchise to Rodgers (whom may actually reach 'Superstar staus' if you don't already consider him one) and then they drafted 7th rounder Matt Flynn whom beat out Brohm (or at least showed more promise) than Brohm through only the first year (or so.)


Therefore, to all those who may disagree with Brohm having Buffalo Bills roster potential, ask yourself if you are also 'High' on the Levi Brown pick. ---Levi Brown (in comparison to Matt Flynn) is ALSO a seventh rounder.


Perhaps the stage is set for Levi Brown to leapfrog the depth chart over Brohm and now 'we' have our own Matt Flynn with the exception of not have a 'stud' starting QB.


I guess I'm implying in this particular post is that nobody should post 'Anti Brohm' sentiment as well as 'Anti Levi Brown' sentiment, because the SAME situation may play itself out in Buffalo. (another topic; but surely a synergistic topic)


(Thanks for staying somewhat civil folks; this topic was my first 'topic post')

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It's crazy that you are trying so hard to hope he fails. How bout we jsut give the guy a shot? Why take such a hard stance on the guy? And if QB was this exact sceince as you think it is, why did the Falcons trade Brett Farve after one year? He was a 2nd round pick.

I'm not trying to hope he fails, I'm just looking at the reality of the situation. I've been watching pro football for 45+ years & I've never seen a guy in the same position that Brian Brohm is in succeed. Not 1 in 45+ years! To sum up: a 1st or 2nd round pick jettisoned early in his career where his drafting team got nothing in return. Favre was traded for a 1st round pick-when GB waived Brohm in September, they couldn't even get a 7th, otherwise they would have traded him because if someone claimed him on waivers they were guaranteed of getting nothing.

Thinking the Bills found the one player in a million is close to insane behavior (as defined by Einstein). There have been so many highly picked QBs who never made it even though there seemed to always be a team willing to give them another shot & defy the odds after they hit the waiver wire. Just look at the track record of the Guy who aquired Brohm. The odds of Brohm being anything other rthan a 3rd stringer are extremely long.

I'm not hating on Brohm, I'm just trying to be more realistic than the dreamers around here. If I was going to hitch my wagon to a longshot QB on the roster, I'd go with Levi Brown, because I have seen late picks & free agent QBs make it as quality NFL starters, once again unlike the situation that made Brohm a Bill.

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I'm not trying to hope he fails, I'm just looking at the reality of the situation. I've been watching pro football for 45+ years & I've never seen a guy in the same position that Brian Brohm is in succeed. Not 1 in 45+ years! To sum up: a 1st or 2nd round pick jettisoned early in his career where his drafting team got nothing in return. Favre was traded for a 1st round pick-when GB waived Brohm in September, they couldn't even get a 7th, otherwise they would have traded him because if someone claimed him on waivers they were guaranteed of getting nothing.

Thinking the Bills found the one player in a million is close to insane behavior (as defined by Einstein). There have been so many highly picked QBs who never made it even though there seemed to always be a team willing to give them another shot & defy the odds after they hit the waiver wire. Just look at the track record of the Guy who aquired Brohm. The odds of Brohm being anything other rthan a 3rd stringer are extremely long.

I'm not hating on Brohm, I'm just trying to be more realistic than the dreamers around here. If I was going to hitch my wagon to a longshot QB on the roster, I'd go with Levi Brown, because I have seen late picks & free agent QBs make it as quality NFL starters, once again unlike the situation that made Brohm a Bill.

Point taken. But that said, it's extremely anomalous for a QB taken in the early second round to be released as early in his career as Brohm was. How many other second round QBs were released very early in their second seasons in the league?


The bigger an opportunity you give a player, the more confident you can feel about cutting him if he fails to take advantage of that opportunity. Brohm was given a very small chance indeed; at least by the standards of early second round picks. Also, as someone pointed out earlier in this thread, the Packers signed Kurt Warner as an undrafted free agent, but released him before the start of the season. After being released from the Packers, Warner stocked the shelves at a grocery store for $5.50 an hour.


By no means am I sold on Brohm. But neither am I prepared to completely dismiss him out of hand either. Let's give either him or Levi Brown the 2010 season to see what they can do. On the off chance we find an answer at quarterback out of that, great. If not, the Bills should use their first round pick in 2011 on a QB.

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I agree we have nothing to loose with Brohm because he cost us nothing and our current QB situation is perhaps the worst in the NFL. I think what we are doing is "grasping at straws" and hoping Brohm turns out to be something special. We are desperate for a quaility QB. Our desperation leads us to think irrationally about Brohm and the others our are QB roster. Barring a mircle, our QB of the future is not on our current roster. Be honest guys...Next years draft is our QB of the future (Luck, Lockleer, Mallot)

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