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Classic Wrestling Clip

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OK Here is my answer.



He is Crayonz. Crayonz on the other hand is probably Dev/null. There are those who say Dev is Tom. :worthy:


So if crayonz is really me, and I'm really Tom, who is Tom really?


I propose the theory that Tom is actually an AI program like ELIZA, whose responses are generated by whatever input you provide.

Therefore crayonz, Tom, and myself are just reflections of different parts of your own personality onto yourself


So most of us think we're idiots?


Now that's deep, /dev/. Maybe it's the toad.. :wallbash:



You think. Therefore you are.
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You call that a classic? Undertaker? YokoOno?


Find me some Dominic Denucci or Pampero Firpo or Haystack Calhoun. Them's the classics of wrestlin.



Complete with Airplane spin!

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It hasn't been good since Stone Cold, The Rock, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, etc left. Triple H is the only one left from that bunch that was any good. I remember when guys like Cena and Orton were nobodies and now they're "superstars." Whenever I see it on now it's the same combination of 6 or 7 guys fighting each other for the third week in a row. :P

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