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Nix's Comment . . . Bad News

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Maybe Bad news for you and the Chicken Littles of this board. I do not give a Monkey's ASS how he does it as long as he builds a team to be proud of it, GO NIX and GAILEY

I love it. Great. Just because I'm pointing out that we can (and should) reduce other's advantages over us.

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Almost this entire board give props to Buddy Nix, saying things like how much better he'll be than previous GMs, I trust Buddy to do the right thing, Buddy won't make the same old mistakes etc.


But, I am very disappointed to hear his comments about moving around in the draft. He said in a recent press conference that we don't really look to move much, and "I don't know where some of those guys know where they even draft." It got a chuckle from those listening. Nix has very little interest in that option, rather moving up or down. He said "we'll most often just sit where we are and draft from there". But, this reeks of not getting full value of player vs. draft slot. It's almost like Buddy was just too set in his ways, or tired, or old to even want to bother with it. He just doesn't want to "work" the draft. Very troubling comment.


New England has proven that if you know how to do this manuever, it will benefit you. Adam Schefter also, on local, Denver radio, summarized that the Broncos got the net effect of an additional 3rd rounder by all of their moves. The great Dallas teams of the 90's under Jimmy Johnson (I know we hated them) were master's of this practice, and the results were obvious.


Now, I'm not condemning his draft picks (yet) because we just don't know yet. But, it is an inherent disadvantage not to move up or down if/when the situation warrants it and you don't bother. It is not working the draft to your largest advantage.




I am guessing here that Nix was talking about moving in the latter rounds (3 and beyond). He has already publicly stated that they tried to move back into the 1st for their guy but he ended up being taken by someone prior to their move.


The point is, why move in the later rounds and give up picks that you need. There is no reason to go after a "name" player late in the 3rd to satisfy the masses and have to give up one or two picks in the later rounds. The Bills need bodies right now, players that can add some depth with potential to play on a regular basis.


Stop the bitching and whining and let the experts, Nix and company, do their job. If you don't like it, go satisfy your man crush and follow the Pats or Broncos.

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This team has a lot of holes to fill and you don't do that by trading up and giving up draft picks. You can trade down and accumulate some, but that requires having another team willing to trade up. Being active during the draft doesn't directly correlate to being smart. The Bills have traded up in the past to draft John McCargo, Justin Bannan, Trent Edwards, J.P. Losman, and others who have not had very good careers. They also gave up two first rounders to get Drew Bledsoe. None of these worked out all that well and were not worth the price the Bills paid.


If you draft quality players your team gets better. It's too early to tell how this draft is going to turn out or how good Buddy Nix is going to be as a GM. He and Chan Gailey seem to have a plan and they are picking best available players and appear to be getting quality players in position of need. You cannot rebuild a team in one draft. The draft isn't over and there will still be FA's out there that the Bills will pick up. Probably at least one trade to be made as well. Sit back and take it all in. There's always plenty of time to complain later.

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I am guessing here that Nix was talking about moving in the latter rounds (3 and beyond). He has already publicly stated that they tried to move back into the 1st for their guy but he ended up being taken by someone prior to their move.


The point is, why move in the later rounds and give up picks that you need. There is no reason to go after a "name" player late in the 3rd to satisfy the masses and have to give up one or two picks in the later rounds. The Bills need bodies right now, players that can add some depth with potential to play on a regular basis.


Stop the bitching and whining and let the experts, Nix and company, do their job. If you don't like it, go satisfy your man crush and follow the Pats or Broncos.

Hate those teams. Just saying that we should do what gives us any possible advantage.

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Lots of teams make the playoffs, how many win multiple superbowls? big difference.


Thanks for playing.

except the Bills. BenchBledsoe you have interfered with the plan here. What's meant to happen is that some rose glassed poster puts forth some delusionally optimistic explanation for the bills continued failings and everyone else supports that explanation til they all can almost believe it.

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except the Bills. BenchBledsoe you have interfered with the plan here. What's meant to happen is that some rose glassed poster puts forth some delusionally optimistic explanation for the bills continued failings and everyone else supports that explanation til they all can almost believe it.



How about we wait and see what the new GM and coach can do before we crap all over them?

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except the Bills. BenchBledsoe you have interfered with the plan here. What's meant to happen is that some rose glassed poster puts forth some delusionally optimistic explanation for the bills continued failings and everyone else supports that explanation til they all can almost believe it.

Thank goodness someone else in this fan base understands this.


I'm NOT bashing us, folks, just pointing out that maybe, there is something out there that we could do to gain a possible advantage and help us.

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The Bills need depth. They need new blood. Nix and Co. are more or less, starting from scratch. They have revamped the Defense to a 3-4 and are going from a Pop Warner Offense to what I would guess would be a spread with lots of speed and players motioning every which way.

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The Bills need depth. They need new blood. Nix and Co. are more or less, starting from scratch. They have revamped the Defense to a 3-4 and are going from a Pop Warner Offense to what I would guess would be a spread with lots of speed and players motioning every which way.

I agree they need depth and new blood. They could get more of it, possibly, by moving up/down when it is advantageous.

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You need the clue. They've won 3 Superbowl's in the last decade while we haven't been to the playoffs once. Now, I hate the Pats like no other. But to say that what they're doing isn't better than what we've been doing draft-wise is just being in denial because you hate them. It's a fact, not my opinion.



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My point? Who's been winning the last decade and who's been losing?

Would you entertain the possibility that NE's success has more to do with FO, proper picks, astute free agent signings and good coaching than with moving all around on draft day(s)? And that the Bills flopped pretty much in everyone of those categories?

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