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Too funny!!! I posted here, in part to rile you guys up, which was entirely too easy. But also to point out the fact that nobody and I mean NOBODY worth a damn in the NFL wants to come to Buffalo! Coaches (Cowher, Shanahan, Harbough to name a few) Players (McNabb, Coles, Taylor to name a few) and GM’s want nothng to do with this armpit of a city.


I’ve been a Buffalo fan since the days of OJ but I truly believe that the only way the Bills will get ahead is if they move to a better city – just like the coaches, players and GM’s that have left Buffalo for better surroundings. Does this mean I’m less of a fan?? HELL NO!!!! It means I’m MORE of a fan!!! I’m willing to let them go to see them do better – it is the ultimate in fandomonium!!!!!!!



I bet your the same guy thay stole my bobsled!!!!!

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Why is everyone getting excited here on Two Bills Drive Dot Com? I know the combine is here and Free Agency will start in a week or so. Also the draft is now less than two months away but still why all the excitement?


The people in charge of this no nothing team have no semblence of direction in which this team is going. There will not be one free agent that will be a difference maker that will want to come to such a lousy team and city. Remember - there were up and coming coordinators that refused to even be interviewed to be the Bills coach. We had to get some guy to come out of retirement just to say we have a GM!


This team is going no where - players don't want to play here, coaches don't want to coach here and fans don't want to be fans here anymore. Why doesn't Ole Ralph do us a favor and move this team to Los Angles - maybe then we'll get the players and coaches to be competitive!!!!


Pass That...Cuz You Smokin Some Good Sh*t...lol...

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Too funny!!! I posted here, in part to rile you guys up, which was entirely too easy. But also to point out the fact that nobody and I mean NOBODY worth a damn in the NFL wants to come to Buffalo! Coaches (Cowher, Shanahan, Harbough to name a few) Players (McNabb, Coles, Taylor to name a few) and GM’s want nothng to do with this armpit of a city.


I’ve been a Buffalo fan since the days of OJ but I truly believe that the only way the Bills will get ahead is if they move to a better city – just like the coaches, players and GM’s that have left Buffalo for better surroundings. Does this mean I’m less of a fan?? HELL NO!!!! It means I’m MORE of a fan!!! I’m willing to let them go to see them do better – it is the ultimate in fandomonium!!!!!!!


With that logic, Red Sox & cubs fans should have offed themselves years ago since they didn't "get what they wanted!" REAL fans, as you claim to be, are eternally optimistic, Real fans live & die with the high's and low's of their beloved team, REAL fans get excited for free agency, the combine & the draft, real fan....ugh! I could go on and on...you're not a real fan, you're a sell out! :thumbsup:

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Why is everyone getting excited here on Two Bills Drive Dot Com? I know the combine is here and Free Agency will start in a week or so. Also the draft is now less than two months away but still why all the excitement?


The people in charge of this no nothing team have no semblence of direction in which this team is going. There will not be one free agent that will be a difference maker that will want to come to such a lousy team and city. Remember - there were up and coming coordinators that refused to even be interviewed to be the Bills coach. We had to get some guy to come out of retirement just to say we have a GM!


This team is going no where - players don't want to play here, coaches don't want to coach here and fans don't want to be fans here anymore. Why doesn't Ole Ralph do us a favor and move this team to Los Angles - maybe then we'll get the players and coaches to be competitive!!!!



Methinks Bossman just had a plaster of paris enema.

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Why is everyone getting excited here on Two Bills Drive Dot Com? I know the combine is here and Free Agency will start in a week or so. Also the draft is now less than two months away but still why all the excitement?


The people in charge of this no nothing team have no semblence of direction in which this team is going. There will not be one free agent that will be a difference maker that will want to come to such a lousy team and city. Remember - there were up and coming coordinators that refused to even be interviewed to be the Bills coach. We had to get some guy to come out of retirement just to say we have a GM!


This team is going no where - players don't want to play here, coaches don't want to coach here and fans don't want to be fans here anymore. Why doesn't Ole Ralph do us a favor and move this team to Los Angles - maybe then we'll get the players and coaches to be competitive!!!!

:thumbsup: - I too have posed this hypothesis...much to the dismay of Bills Nation. I believe you are correct in your concerns - the team will not succeed in it's current state, of which is damaging to the cumulative psyche' of WNY....

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Too funny!!! I posted here, in part to rile you guys up, which was entirely too easy. But also to point out the fact that nobody and I mean NOBODY worth a damn in the NFL wants to come to Buffalo! Coaches (Cowher, Shanahan, Harbough to name a few) Players (McNabb, Coles, Taylor to name a few) and GM’s want nothng to do with this armpit of a city.


I’ve been a Buffalo fan since the days of OJ but I truly believe that the only way the Bills will get ahead is if they move to a better city – just like the coaches, players and GM’s that have left Buffalo for better surroundings. Does this mean I’m less of a fan?? HELL NO!!!! It means I’m MORE of a fan!!! I’m willing to let them go to see them do better – it is the ultimate in fandomonium!!!!!!!

So you post something retarded, and then backpedal by saying it was partially to ruffle some feathers, and then reinforce your original point... :thumbsup: I need some pudding...and some Jager.

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Streaks on the china,

never mattered before,

who cares.

When you dropped kicked your jacket

As you came through the door,

No one glared.

But sometimes things get turned around

And no one’s spared.

All hands look out below T

here’s a change in the status quo.

Gonna need all the help that we can get.

According to our new arrival

Life is more than mere survival

We just might live the good life yet.


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OP= Epic Fail.


The amazing collection of TV Theme show lyrics is all that makes this thread readable.

When I was 17 I drank some very good beer.

I drank some very good beer I purchased, with a fake ID

My name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listening to Queen.

When I was 17.

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Here's an idea for you, Mr. OP:


Through early morning fog I see

visions of the things to be

the pains that are withheld for me

I realize and I can see...


that suicide is painless

it brings on many changes

and I can take or leave it if I please.

I try to find a way to make

all our little joys relate

without that ever-present hate

but now I know that it's too late, and...


The game of life is hard to play

I'm gonna lose it anyway

The losing card I'll someday lay

so this is all I have to say.


The only way to win is cheat

And lay it down before I'm beat

and to another give my seat

for that's the only painless feat.


The sword of time will pierce our skins

It doesn't hurt when it begins

But as it works its way on in

The pain grows stronger...watch it grin, but...


A brave man once requested me

to answer questions that are key

is it to be or not to be

and I replied 'oh why ask me?'


'Cause suicide is painless

it brings on many changes

and I can take or leave it if I please.

...and you can do the same thing if you please.

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Too funny!!! I posted here, in part to rile you guys up, which was entirely too easy. But also to point out the fact that nobody and I mean NOBODY worth a damn in the NFL wants to come to Buffalo! Coaches (Cowher, Shanahan, Harbough to name a few) Players (McNabb, Coles, Taylor to name a few) and GM’s want nothng to do with this armpit of a city.


I’ve been a Buffalo fan since the days of OJ but I truly believe that the only way the Bills will get ahead is if they move to a better city – just like the coaches, players and GM’s that have left Buffalo for better surroundings. Does this mean I’m less of a fan?? HELL NO!!!! It means I’m MORE of a fan!!! I’m willing to let them go to see them do better – it is the ultimate in fandomonium!!!!!!!

You Sir Are 100% Douche

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