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Any runners on the board?

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It is actually becoming more and more accepted in sports such as running and swimming etc. Remember, not so long ago accepted wisdom was water was bad for you during a workout :P


Here are some articles as well







Again, it is is not so much the stretching thats bad, but people do it before their muscles are warm, which can only do bad things to the muscles.


If you must stretch, do it after your workout and not before. Even then, people tend to go to far, so take it easy. I do some very light stretching after my runs now, but very light and very easy..no pain etc.

A workout should flow as: Warm-up, Stretch, Workout, Stretch/Cooldown


It's accurate to say that stretching cold before a workout can lead to injury, but I think recommending to someone that hasn't been working out in a while to go into those workouts without stretching is not very good advice. Sage, do some research, talk to a doctor, whatever you need to feel comfortable with what your doing.

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A lot of good suggestions and I'll add my .02.


I am only 5 lbs over my HS graduation weight of over 30 years ago. I can attest this to a dedication to exercise and good diet that I have maintained. I am still competitive in several events and still looking at venturing into others.


I have diversified my exercise activities. Though I run, I also bike, swim, and participate in many other sports (basketball, baseball, flag football, etc.). I believe the diversity helps with encompassing a number of muscles that may be missed if you focus on one activity. I also go the gym to hit the elliptical cross-trainer and weight machines. The diversity and familiarity also helps because when my knees are sore, I will hit the cross-trainer or swimming - similar for other muscles. In addition, the diversity helps limit fatigue or injury when muscles are overused. My problem has been that I do not have much free time to get to the gym or exercise. I have been able to limit my workouts to 45-60 minutes and yet obtain adequate muscle coverage. But during that time, I'm going full-tilt the entire time. But you may want to build up to that if you are just starting out. You may also want to hit a core muscle exercise class. It's great to get/keep to fortify your core muscles especially when venturing exercising other muscle groups that may be dependent on core muscle strength. I usually participate in a core exercise routine every two weeks.


My diet is mostly complex carbs with just a small amout (~15 % calories) of protein. I do the 80/20 rule when eating: I eat healthy 80% of the time but 2-3 meals a week, I eat stuff I normally wouldn't. I use the Glycemic Index when evaluating which foods to eat. There is compelling evidence that a high Glycemic Index carbohydrate is associated with an increased risk of obesity.


You have been given some sage advice from others - good luck with whatever you choose and stick with it.

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A workout should flow as: Warm-up, Stretch, Workout, Stretch/Cooldown


It's accurate to say that stretching cold before a workout can lead to injury, but I think recommending to someone that hasn't been working out in a while to go into those workouts without stretching is not very good advice. Sage, do some research, talk to a doctor, whatever you need to feel comfortable with what your doing.


I agree with the "whatever you feel comfortable doing" part. I'm not about to give advice one way or the other on stretching. I rarely stretch, usually only when I'm running with someone who does and feel obliged. Just do what feel right to you...

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